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  Article updated: February 02, 2025

Manage Amplify members and permissions

Share the load! Set permissions to manage which members can help your team create content. Once you've added your members to your Hootsuite organization, you can choose how you want them to work with your Amplify content.

If you don't have a Hootsuite organization or need help adding members to it, see Get started with your Business or Enterprise plan.

Audience: Amplify admins

Add advocates

To add advocates to share your company's posts in Amplify, simply add them to your Amplify organization in Hootsuite. You can add members and create teams of members. Learn how to add a member to an organization or team.

Add an Amplify Admin

You can create additional Amplify Admins to help manage the load. These members are able to create and send content to Amplify, manage topics and subscriptions to topics, publish and schedule content, and create Amplify streams.

  1. Make sure you've added the person you want to be an Amplify Admin to your organization. Learn how to add a member to an organization or team.
  2. Go to Amplify, select Admin settings, and then select Members list.
  3. Select the member, and then turn on Content Admin.
  4. Share Get started with Amplify for admins to help them get going.
  5. Contact your Customer Account Manager to enable access to Amplify Analytics for Admins.

Assign content management roles to members

Designate which members or teams can manage Amplify content in your organization.

  1. Make sure you've created an organization and added the member to that organization. It's helpful to create teams of members - this way, you can subscribe them to topics by team. Learn how to add a member to an organization or team.
  2. Go to Amplify, select Admin settings, and then select Topic list.
  3. Select Action , and then select Manage subscribers.
    Actions with Manage subscribers highlighted.
  4. Select from one of the following topic permissions:
    • Subscriber - Can share this topic's content to their social accounts. They can also subscribe to open topics from their organization. They can't create Amplify content.
    • Contributor - Can share and create content. They must send their content to a Publisher or Content Admin to approve and publish it.
    • Publisher - Can share, create, and publish content to this topic. They can also approve content from Contributors. Publishers see the draft, scheduled, and posted content for their topics.

View and export Amplify member information

You can view the email subscriptions and onboarding status of all your Amplify members, so you know how many members you're reaching when you send out your communications. You can also export member information, including their associated teams and topics, email preferences, onboarding status, and roles, in CSV format.

  1. Go to Amplify and select Admin settings.
  2. Select Members list.
  3. Point to the email subscriptions or status icons for details on email preferences or onboarding status for an individual member.
  4. Select the Only Content Admin toggle to filter the list based on members who have Content Admin roles.
  5. Select Export to generate and download a CSV file of all your members' information.
    Amplify admin settings showing the member list with email subscriptions and status icons highlighted.


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