Article updated: August 20, 2024
TikTok metrics
TikTok metrics help you figure out how you’re doing on TikTok. This article goes over the TikTok metrics available in Analytics. Use CTRL+F (CMD +F on Mac) to search content in this article.
You must have public videos to view Analytics. For more information, see TikTok Analytics help.
Metrics with this symbol ** are not counted for videos have not had views, likes, comments, or shares for more than 7 days. When the video is engaged with again, it will be included in the metric.
Metric | Description |
Audience > Country ** | The number of people following your accounts by country, averaged over the past 60 days. Data is available only for accounts with more than 100 followers |
Comments | The number of comments videos you published during the time frame received |
Follower activity | The number of followers who are active and scrolling, by time of the day. Data is available only for accounts with more than 100 followers |
Followers | The number of people following your TikTok accounts |
Net new followers | The increase or decrease in the number of people who are following your TikTok accounts (the difference between the last day and the first day of the time frame) |
Post average time watched ** | The average amount of time people spent watching your videos |
Post comments | The number of comments received by videos you published during the time frame |
Post engagement rate ** | The average engagement rate for all your video posts, calculated as the sum of engagement rates for each video, divided by the number of videos. The engagement rate for videos is calculated as the number of likes, comments, and shares of videos you published during the time frame, as a percentage of the number of people who watched them |
Post likes | The number of likes videos you published during the time frame received |
Post reached audience ** | The number of people who watched videos you published during the time frame |
Post shares | The number of times people shared videos you published during the time frame |
Post total time watched ** | The total amount of time people spent watching your videos |
Post video views | The number of times videos you published during the time frame were viewed |
Post video views: Following ** | The number of times videos you published during the time frame were viewed from people's Follow feeds, as a percentage of the total number of video views |
Post video views: For You ** | The number of times videos you published during the time frame were viewed from people's For You feeds, as a percentage of the total number of video views |
Post video views: Hashtag ** | The number of times videos you published during the time frame were viewed from a hashtag, as a percentage of the total number of video views |
Post video views: Profile ** | The number of times videos you published during the time frame were viewed from your profile page, as a percentage of the total number of video views |
Post video views: Search ** | The number of times videos you published during the time frame were viewed from a search on the Discover page, as a percentage of the total number of video views |
Post video views: Sound ** | The number of times videos you published during the time frame were viewed from a video's sound, as a percentage of the total number of video views |
Post watched full video ** | The number of people who watched videos you published during the time frame in full, as a percentage of the number of people who saw them |
Posts | The number of videos published to your TikTok accounts during the time frame |
Posts table | A list of videos published to your TikTok accounts, including their organic engagement metrics |
Profile views | The number of times people viewed your profiles |
Post shares | The number of shares videos you published during the time frame received |
Top posts | A visual representation of your top-performing TikTok videos |
Total likes | The number of likes received by your accounts' videos |
Video views | The number of times people watched your account's videos |
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