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  Article updated: April 23, 2024

Amplify metrics

Amplify metrics help you figure out how you're doing on Amplify. This article goes over the Amplify metrics available in Analytics. Use CTRL+F (CMD +F on Mac) to search content in this article.

Amplify leaderboard metrics are available to Amplify customers with access to Analytics. There are additional Amplify metrics available to Enterprise Amplify admins.

Note: In 2018, Facebook implemented limitations that affect analytics for Facebook profiles (not Facebook Pages). For Facebook profiles, we are only able to count web (not mobile) shares. Learn more about this limitation.

Amplify leaderboard metrics

Amplify leaderboard metrics
Metric Description

The total number of posts shared to your social networks. Does not include unpublished, scheduled posts. Shares by source use the following sources:

  • Original - The number of posts advocates publish from Hootsuite and their social accounts, but not Amplify.
  • Amplify - The number of posts advocates publish from Amplify.
  • Personalized - The number of posts advocates personalize and publish from Amplify.
Reach The total number of people that have seen your posts
Clicks The total number of clicks, reactions, comments, and actions taken on your shared posts over the last 30 days, regardless of date selected
Facebook posts The number of Amplify posts shared to your Facebook account
Facebook comments The number of comments received by on your Facebook account
Facebook reactions The number of reactions to your Facebook shares
Twitter posts The number of Amplify posts shared to your Twitter account
Twitter reposts The number of reposts on your Twitter shares
Twitter replies The number of replies to your Twitter shares
Twitter likes The number of likes on your Twitter shares
LinkedIn posts The number of Amplify posts shared to your LinkedIn account
LinkedIn comments The number of comments received on your LinkedIn shares
LinkedIn likes The number of likes received on your LinkedIn shares

Amplify metrics

Audience: Amplify admins

Note: When filtering by "team," the metrics only return data if the team was created before the share action. If a team was created after the share action, we don't assign previous shares to it.

Amplify metrics (Enterprise)
Metric Description
Active users The number of people who logged in, navigated through Amplify, or shared posts during the selected time frame
Adoption rate The proportion of active users as a percentage of the users who signed up for Amplify
Facebook comments The number of comments on all Facebook shares
Facebook reactions The number of reactions on all Facebook shares
Facebook shares on Amplify The number of shares of Amplify posts to Facebook. Does not include unpublished, scheduled posts
LinkedIn comments The number of comments on all LinkedIn shares
LinkedIn likes The number of likes on all LinkedIn shares
LinkedIn shares on Amplify The number of shares of Amplify posts to LinkedIn. Does not include unpublished, scheduled posts clicks The number of clicks on all the links shared
Posts published The total number of posts published to Amplify. Cannot be filtered by team
Potential ad value The estimated paid social ad value of published posts during the selected time frame. The potential reach will be divided by 1000 and multiplied by a fixed CPM (cost per thousand) of $12
Potential reach The potential number of people who saw Amplify posts
Reads The number of clicks articles (mobile app) or article links (desktop app) to read them
Shares The number of shares of your posts. Does not include unpublished, scheduled posts
Sign up rate The proportion of user sign-ups as a percentage of the users invited
Suggested posts The total number of posts suggested by the members of your organization
Top posts by reach The top 100 Amplify posts by reach
Top posts by Facebook engagement The top Amplify posts with the highest engagement on Facebook
Top posts by LinkedIn engagement The top Amplify posts with the highest engagement on LinkedIn
Top posts by Twitter engagement The top Amplify posts with the highest engagement on Twitter
Twitter likes The number of likes on all Twitter shares
Twitter replies The number of replies on all Twitter shares
Twitter reposts The number of reposts on all Twitter shares
Twitter shares on Amplify The number of shares of Amplify posts to Twitter. Does not include unpublished, scheduled posts
User activity A list of all the members in your organization, along with information about who has signed up or been active on Amplify
Users invited The number of users added to your organization to date
Users signed up The number of users who have logged into Amplify at least once
Users who shared The number of users who shared a post in the selected time frame

  Return to the full list of metrics available in Analytics


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