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  Article updated: January 08, 2025

LinkedIn metrics

LinkedIn metrics help you figure out how your LinkedIn Page is doing. Depending on your plan type (find features in your plan), you can also see how their LinkedIn profile is doing. This article goes over the LinkedIn metrics available in Analytics. Use CTRL+F to search content in this article.

LinkedIn Page-level metrics

Page metrics or Page-level metrics display results that occurred during the selected date range for all posts published to a Page, regardless of when the posts were published. So, if you track any Page-level metrics in your reports, the data you see is for the entire Page. For example, a metric like Page video views shows you the total number of views that your video posts received during your selected date range - it doesn't matter if the posts were published during or outside of that range. Learn more about the difference between post-level and Page-level metrics

Note: Hootsuite does not support stories for LinkedIn Pages.

LinkedIn Page metrics
Metric Description
Followers The number of people following your Pages. Note, this data reflects the number of people following your Pages from the time your LinkedIn account was connected to Hootsuite. LinkedIn does not provide backfill data for this metric
Page clicks The number of times people clicked on your Pages' posts
Page comments The number of comments received by your Pages' posts
Page engagement The number of times people liked, commented, and shared your Pages' content
Page engagement rate

The number of times people clicked, liked, commented, shared, or performed any type of click on any content from your Pages, as a percentage of the people who saw them

Page impressions The number of times your Pages' posts were displayed on LinkedIn members' screens
Page new followers The number of new people who followed or unfollowed your Pages, including from paid promotion. This will be a negative number if the number of people who unfollowed your Pages is higher than those who followed them.
Page reach The number of LinkedIn users who have seen your Pages' posts
Page reactions The number of reactions to your Pages' posts
Page shares The number of times people shared your Page's posts
Posts The number of posts published to your Pages
Posts ROI The total return on investment (ROI) for all posts published to the selected Advanced Analytics accounts during time frame. We calculate ROI as the sum of metric values assigned by the social network (for example, 12 likes) multiplied by metric values assigned by you (for example, 2 points)

LinkedIn post-level metrics

Post metrics or post-level metrics only display results for posts published during the selected date range. So, if you review your post performance results or track any post-level metrics in your reports, like Post impressions, the data you see is only for the posts published during your selected date range. Learn more about the difference between post-level and Page-level metrics

LinkedIn Page metrics
Metric Description
Posts table

A list of posts published by your Pages and their reactions, comments, shares, and clicks

Top posts A visual representation of your top-performing posts
Post clicks The number of clicks on your content, company name, or logo by a signed-in member. Does not include interactions (shares, reactions, and comments). If a member clicks on the same content multiple times, it is counted as a single click
Post comments The number of comments and replies to posts you published during the time frame. This doesn't include comments received after a post was sponsored
Post engagement rate

The number of times people clicked, liked, commented, or shared content from your Pages, as a percentage of the number of people who saw them

Post impressions The number of times posts you published during the time frame were displayed on someone's screen
Post impressions (unique) The number of people who saw posts you published during the time frame
Post traffic The number of clicks on the shortened links and vanity URLs in posts you published during the time frame
Post reactions The number of reactions to posts you published during the time frame
Post shares The number of times people shared posts you published during the time frame
Post time watched The time people spent watching and replaying videos you published during the time frame
Post time watched for video views

The time people spent watching and replaying videos you published during the time frame for at least three seconds

Post video viewers The number of people who have watched your videos
Post video views The number of times people watched videos you published during the time for at least three seconds. Doesn't include replays
Posts with clicks table A list of posts published by your Pages with their link click metrics
Video views table A summary of the view metrics for videos on your Pages

LinkedIn profile metrics

LinkedIn profile metrics help Business and Enterprise members figure out how their LinkedIn profiles are doing.

Plans: This feature is restricted to certain plan types. If you don't see this feature, visit the Hootsuite plans page to see if it is included in your plan.

Video data for LinkedIn profile metrics goes back to September 7, 2021.

LinkedIn Profile metrics
Metric Description
Posts The number of posts published to your LinkedIn profiles
Top posts A visual representation of the top-performing posts on your LinkedIn profiles
Connections The number of connections for your profiles
Post comments

The number of comments on posts you published to your profiles during the time frame

Post traffic The number of clicks on all links in posts you published to your profiles during the time frame
Post reactions The number of reactions to posts you published to your profiles during the time frame
Posts table

A list of posts published by your profiles and their reactions, comments, shares, and clicks

Posts with clicks table A list of posts published by your profiles with their link click metrics

  Return to the full list of metrics available in Analytics


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