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  Article updated: November 15, 2024

Team metrics

Team metrics help Enterprise team admins see how their team is doing. This article goes over the Team metrics available in Analytics. Use CTRL+F (CMD +F on Mac) to search content in this article.

Plans: Enterprise

Note that as of March 15, 2021, the Team Performance report and reports with Team data in Analytics will no longer track Facebook mentions and Twitter searches from Streams. While you can continue to view and interact with these posts, Analytics will no longer track these interactions in your Team data.

Important: If you’re using Inbox 2.0, Team metrics will show historical data up to the date you moved to Inbox 2.0. Check out the Inbox 2.0 metrics available in Analytics for the latest analytics on your team’s performance.

Team metrics
Metric Description
Assignments created The total number of assignments created on messages published in the selected time frame.
Assignments resolved The total number of resolved assignments on messages published in the selected time frame.
Conversation threads The total number of conversations carried out by the teams you manage. A conversation is a thread of messages.
First response time The average time for your teams to send a first reply for all social messages (with or without assignment).
First responses table The list of conversations replied to by the teams you manage, with details about the first reply that was sent (with or without assignments).
Handling time The average time for an assignment to be closed, from the time it is opened.
Overall response time The average time for your teams to send a reply for all social messages (with or without assignment).
Overall responses table The list of all replies sent by the teams you manage, with details about the response time for each one (with or without assignments).
Pickup time The average time to create an assignment from Hootsuite Streams. Returns a single value for all assignments.
Published messages The total number of social messages (public and private) sent through Hootsuite by the teams you manage.
Resolution time The average time to close an assignment based on the publishing date of the assigned message.
Resolved assignments table A table of every resolved assignment created in the selected time frame, including pickup, handling, and resolution times.

  Return to the full list of metrics available in Analytics


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