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  Article updated: June 20, 2024

Follow or unfollow an X account

Follow other X (formerly Twitter) accounts to stay in touch with your audience and keep up with relevant and interesting updates. Following other accounts can also help get you in front of more people who may be interested in your brand. Learn more about how to get X followers.

You can follow or unfollow X accounts from any of your X accounts in stream feeds.

  1. Go to More, select Streams, and then go to a X stream.
  2. Select the account name or avatar to open the user's profile page.
  3. Select More, and then select Follow or Unfollow.
  4. Select one of your X accounts that you want to use to follow or unfollow the account.

To follow or unfollow a X account from the Hootsuite mobile app, select a user's profile picture in a stream, and then select Open in Twitter.


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