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  Article updated: October 23, 2024

Export your Inbox 2.0 data

You can create and download custom .csv file reports of up to 18 months of your Inbox 2.0 data. By reporting on data such as conversations, messages, agents, and contacts, you can perform deep analysis on the performance of specific areas of your service.

Audience: Enterprise Inbox 2.0 admins. Want more Hootsuite features? Upgrade your plan.

Export files include IDs for certain fields, allowing you to link tables for more advanced analysis. For example, you can find the Conversation ID in both conversation and message export types.

Create or schedule data exports

To create an export, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Inbox 2.0, select Exports, and then select On-demand or Scheduled. Under Export type, select an option.
  2. Use the Time zone, Date range, and Channels filters to narrow the scope of your report.
  3. Select Generate export. You’ll get a notification when the file is available.
  4. Select the download icon to download the .csv file to your computer.

Export definitions

See also: Transfer Inbox 2.0 data via SFTP


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