Article updated: October 23, 2024
Export your Inbox 2.0 data
You can create and download custom .csv file reports of up to 18 months of your Inbox 2.0 data. By reporting on data such as conversations, messages, agents, and contacts, you can perform deep analysis on the performance of specific areas of your service.
Audience: Enterprise Inbox 2.0 admins. Want more Hootsuite features? Upgrade your plan.
Export files include IDs for certain fields, allowing you to link tables for more advanced analysis. For example, you can find the Conversation ID in both conversation and message export types.
Create or schedule data exports
To create an export, follow these steps:
- Go to Inbox 2.0, select Exports, and then select On-demand or Scheduled. Under Export type, select an option.
- Use the Time zone, Date range, and Channels filters to narrow the scope of your report.
- Select Generate export. You’ll get a notification when the file is available.
- Select the download icon to download the .csv file to your computer.
Export definitions
This export contains all conversations resolved for the first time during the selected time range. The export includes one row per conversation, with data that was available for the conversation at the time of the export.
Header | Description |
Conversation ID | The unique identifier for the conversation |
Medium | The social network or messaging service platform where the conversation took place |
Channel | The channel where the conversation took place |
Channel Display Name | The custom display name of the channel |
Contact Profile ID | The unique identifier for the contact |
Contact Primary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Contact Secondary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Created at | The creation date of the conversation |
Last Status Change Agent ID | The unique identifier for the agent who made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Last Status Change Agent Name | The agent who made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Last Status Change Agent Reference | The agent’s internal ID |
Last Status Change Team ID | The unique identifier of the team that made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Last Status Change Team Name | The team that made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Current Status | The last status of the conversation at the time of the export |
Resolved By | Whether an agent, a virtual agent, a bulk resolve event, or the system resolved the conversation |
Resolve Reason | The resolve reason selected by the agent |
Resolve Comment | Any resolve reason comment added by the agent |
Resolve Trigger | Whether a human agent, a virtual agent, automation, or auto-resolve resolved the conversation |
Resolved At | The time of the resolution |
Resolved Agent ID | The unique identifier of the agent who resolved the conversation |
Resolved Agent Name | The agent who resolved the conversation |
Resolved Agent Reference | The agent’s Internal ID |
Number of Inbound Messages | The total number of messages received from the contact during the conversation |
Number of Outbound Messages | The total number of messages sent to the contact during the conversation |
First Response Times | The length of time between the first inbound and first outbound message, or the time between handover from VA/AR to the New queue and the first human agent outbound message |
Handle Times | The length of time that an agent was actively working on the conversation (lock) |
No-Reply Times | The length of time that an agent was looking at the conversation (lock) and resolved it without a reply |
Cherry-Picking Times | The length of time that an agent was looking at the conversation (lock) and did not send a reply |
Resolution Times | The length of time between the first inbound message and the status change to Resolved |
Topic IDs | The unique identifiers for topics applied to the conversation |
Topic Names | The topics applied to the conversation |
Conversation URL | The URL to the conversation |
Last Updated | The time of the last change |
Language | The language detected or set in the conversation |
CSAT Score | The contact’s rating submitted via CSAT survey |
CSAT Completed Status | The response status of the contact after they received a CSAT survey |
CSAT Follow-up Question | Any follow-up survey question sent to the contact |
CSAT Follow-up Answer | Any follow-up answer received from the contact |
Sentiment | The conversation's sentiment |
This export contains all conversations with the status New or Pending at the time of the export. The export includes one row per conversation, with data that was available for the conversation at the time of the export.
Header | Description |
Conversation ID | The unique identifier for the conversation |
Medium | The social network or messaging service platform where the conversation took place |
Channel | The channel where the conversation took place |
Channel Display Name | The custom display name of the channel |
Contact Profile ID | The unique identifier for the contact |
Contact Primary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Contact Secondary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Created at | The creation date of the conversation |
Last Status Change Agent ID | The unique identifier for the agent who made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Last Status Change Agent Name | The agent who made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Last Status Change Agent Reference | The agent’s internal ID |
Last Status Change Team ID | The unique identifier of the team that made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Last Status Change Team Name | The team that made the last status change to the conversation (moved it to Resolved or Pending) |
Current Status | The last status of the conversation at the time of the export |
Resolved By | Whether an agent, a virtual agent, a bulk resolve event, or the system resolved the conversation |
Resolved At | The time of the resolution |
Resolved Agent ID | The unique identifier of the agent who resolved the conversation |
Resolved Agent Name | The agent who resolved the conversation |
Resolved Agent Reference | The agent’s Internal ID |
Number of Inbound Messages | The total number of messages received from the contact during the conversation |
Number of Outbound Messages | The total number of messages sent to the contact during the conversation |
First Response Times | The length of time between the first inbound and first outbound message, or the time between handover from VA/AR to the New queue and the first human agent outbound message |
Handle Times | The length of time that an agent was actively working on the conversation (lock) |
No-Reply Times | The length of time that an agent was looking at the conversation (lock) and resolved it without a reply |
Cherry-Picking Times | The length of time that an agent was looking at the conversation (lock) and did not send a reply |
Resolution Times | The length of time between the first inbound message and the status change to Resolved |
Topic IDs | The unique identifiers for topics applied to the conversation |
Topic Names | The topics applied to the conversation |
Conversation URL | The URL to the conversation |
Last Updated | The time of the last change to the conversation |
Language | The language detected or set in the conversation |
Sentiment | The conversation's sentiment |
This export contains all unique messages created in the selected time range. The export includes one row per message, with data that was available for that message at the time of the export.
Header | Description |
Message ID | The unique identifier for the message |
Created at | The time of message creation |
Conversation ID | The unique identifier for each conversation |
Medium | The social media or messaging service platform of the sent message |
Channel | The channel of the sent message |
Channel Display Name | The custom display name of the channel |
Contact Profile ID | The unique identifier for each contact |
Contact Primary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Contact Secondary identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Message Type | The specific type of message |
Origin | Where the sent message came from |
Outbound Message Type | The type of outbound message |
Direction | Where the message came from |
Agent ID | The unique identifier of the agent who sent the message |
Agent Name | The agent who sent the message |
Agent Reference | The agent’s internal ID |
Team ID | The unique identifier of the team |
Team Name | The team that the agent who sent the outbound message is a member of |
System User Type |
The type of message. Values include:
Tag IDs | The unique identifier of the tag |
Tag Names | The tags applied to the message |
Content | The message content. Content is only available for Twitter and only for on-demand exports |
Conversation URL | The URL for this conversation |
Post URL | The URL for the original post or message in the social network or messaging platform |
Last Updated | The time of the message's last update |
Deleted At | The time of deletion |
Previous Message ID | The unique identifier for the previous message |
Time Since Previous Messages | Time between the previous message and the most recent message |
Sentiment | The conversation's sentiment |
This export contains team-level data. Only teams that have at least one outbound message are included in the export. The export includes one row per team, with data that was available at the time of the export.
Header | Description |
Created At | The date the team was created |
Team ID | The unique identifier of the team that has been active |
Team Name | The team that has been active |
Resolves with Reply | The total number of conversations resolved by agents on this team with at least one outbound message |
Resolves without Reply | The total number of conversations resolved by agents on this team without an outbound message |
Average First Response Time | The average first response time of all conversations handled by agents on this team in the selected time range |
Average Resolution Time | The average resolution time of all conversations handled by this team in the selected time range |
Total Handle Time | The total time that agents on this team were actively working on conversations (lock) |
Total No-Reply Time | The total time that agents on this team were looking at conversations (lock) and resolved them without any reply |
Total Cherry-Picking Time | The total time that agents on this team were looking at conversations (lock) and did not send any reply |
Average Handle Time | The average time that agents on this team were actively working on conversations (lock) |
Contacts Helped | The number of contacts who received at least one message from an agent on this team |
CSAT with Score 1 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned with a score of 1 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 2 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned with a score of 2 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 3 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned with a score of 3 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 4 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned with a score of 4 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 5 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned with a score of 5 during the selected time range |
Tags Added | The total number of tags added by this team |
Topics Added | The total number of topics added by this team |
Replies | The total number of outbound messages sent by this team |
This export contains all contacts that have at least one message in the selected time range.
Header | Description |
Contact Profile ID | The unique identifier for the contact |
Medium | The social media or messaging service platform on which the contact sent a message |
Primary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Secondary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Created At | The date and time when the Contact sent the first message within the selected time range |
Number of Conversations | The number of conversations with the contact |
Number of Inbound Messages | The number of messages sent by the contact |
Number of Outbound Messages | The number of messages sent to the contact |
Last Updated | Date and time of the last update to the contact |
This export contains all topics that have been applied to at least one message in the selected time range.
Header | Description |
Topic ID | The unique identifier for the topic |
Topic Name | The name of the topic |
Active | Whether the topic still exists on the Topics page in the Routing and automation section of Admin settings |
Total Conversations | Total Conversations |
Total Current Conversations | The count of all conversations that have a topic applied at the time of the export, within the selected time range |
Medium | The social network or messaging service platform of the conversation a topic was applied to |
Channel | The channel of the conversation the topic was applied to |
Channel Display Name | The custom display name of the channel |
This export contains all tags that have been applied to at least one message in the selected time range.
Header | Description |
Tag ID | The unique identifier for the tag |
Tag Name | The name of the tag |
Active | Whether the tag still exists on the Tags page in the Routing and automation section of Admin settings |
Total Contacts | The number of contacts that have had a tag applied on one of their messages |
Total Messages | The total number of messages that have had a tag applied during the selected time range |
Total Current Messages | The number of messages that have a tag applied during the selected date range at the time of the export |
Medium | The social network or messaging service platform applied to the tagged message |
Channel | The channel applied to the tagged message |
Channel Display Name | The custom display name of the channel |
This export contains all agents that have at least one Away or Available state in the selected time range. Note that this includes those in time ranges that start or end outside of the selected time frame.
Header | Description |
User ID | The unique ID for the agent |
User Name | The name of the agent |
User Email Address | The email address of the agent |
Type | The presence type |
Away State | The custom away state name |
From | The start date and time |
To | The end date and time |
Durations | How long the agent has been in this presence type |
This export contains the metrics collected per agent for a selected time range.
Header | Description |
User ID | The unique identifier of the agent |
User Name | The name of the agent |
User Email Address | The email address of the agent |
User Reference | The internal ID of the agent |
Available Times | The total time the agent has been Available in the selected time range |
Away Times | The total time the agent has been Away in the selected time range |
Contacts Helped | The number of contacts that received at least one message from the agent |
Avg. Handle Times | The average time the agent was actively working on conversations (lock) |
Handle Times | The total time the agent was actively working on conversations (lock) |
No-Reply Times | The total time the agent was looking at conversations (lock) and resolved them without replying |
Cherry-Picking Times | The total time the agent was looking at conversations (lock) and did not send replies |
Replies | The total number of outbound messages sent by the agent |
Resolves - With Reply | The total number of conversations resolved by the agent with at least one outbound message |
Resolves - No Reply | The total number of conversations resolved by the agent without an outbound message |
Tags Added | The total number of tags added by the agent |
Topics Added | The total number of topics added by the agent |
Utilization (%) | The overall utilization percentage for the agent |
CSAT with Score 1 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned for this agent with a score of 1 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 2 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned for this agent with a score of 2 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 3 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned for this agent with a score of 3 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 4 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned for this agent with a score of 4 during the selected time range |
CSAT with Score 5 | The total number of customer satisfaction surveys returned for this agent with a score of 5 during the selected time range |
This export contains all responses that created outbound messages in the selected time range.
Header | Description |
Conversation ID | The unique identifier for the conversation |
Medium | The social media or messaging service platform where the conversation took place |
Sender Channel | The channel name that received the contact’s message |
Sender Channel Display Name | The custom display name of the channel |
Contact Profile ID | The unique identifier for the contact |
Started By | The reason the conversation became visible in the New queue |
Handover Reason | If “Started by” is “VA_HANDED_OVER_CONVERSATION,” this is the reason there was a handover |
From | The timestamp of the “Started By” event (the response time is calculated using the actual timestamp) |
To | The timestamp of the outbound message |
Agent Response Times | The difference between the “From” and “To” (the time it took an agent to respond to the contact) |
Replying Agent ID | The unique identifier of the agent who sent the outbound message |
Replying Agent Name | The name of the agent who sent the outbound message |
Replying Agent Reference | The agent’s internal ID |
Inbound Message ID | The unique identifier for the inbound message |
Outbound Message ID | The unique identifier for the outbound message |
Conversation URL | The URL to this conversation |
This export contains the metrics collected per virtual agent for a selected time range.
Header | Description |
Agent ID | The unique identifier for the virtual agent |
Agent Name | The name of the virtual agent, as configured in the system |
Medium | The social media or messaging service platform on which the virtual agent was part of a conversation |
Channel | The channel on which the virtual agent was part of a conversation |
Channel Display Name | The custom display name of the channel |
Total Conversations | The total number of conversations in which the virtual agent sent at least 1 message |
Handover to Agent | The number of conversations handed over from the virtual agent to a human agent |
Handover due to Error | The number of conversations handed over because the virtual agent encountered an error |
Resolved | The number of conversations resolved by a virtual agent |
Total Conversations with Topic | The number of topics that the virtual agent applied to conversations |
Total Messages Tagged | The overall number of tagged messages |
The number of messages that have been tagged overall | The number of applied tags per message |
This export contains all stored contact attributes filled out manually by agents or bots, or collected from a CRM. This includes all contacts who sent messages in the selected time range.
Header | Description |
Contact Profile ID | The unique identifier for the contact |
Contact Primary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Contact Secondary Identifier | One of the two identifiers for contacts. Depending on the platform, this could be name, phone number, alias, etc. |
Attribute ID | The unique identifier for the contact attribute |
Attribute Name | The name of the contact attribute |
Attribute Value | The value of the defined contact attribute |
Attribute Type | The type of contact attribute |
See also: Transfer Inbox 2.0 data via SFTP
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