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  Article updated: January 08, 2025

Boost a LinkedIn Page post

Boosted posts are paid ads that you create from existing LinkedIn posts. Promote your best LinkedIn content to grow your audience and get more awareness for your brand awareness. You can choose who you want to see your posts and when your campaign runs to get the most out of your ad spend.

Once you have a LinkedIn ad account, you can do the following:

  • Boost existing, live posts in Hootsuite Social Advertising (go to Ads, and then select LinkedIn Boost).
  • Boost a scheduled post in your Hootsuite calendar, or boost a new post when you create it.
  • Boost a post from a LinkedIn Company Updates stream.

Before you begin

You must have a LinkedIn ad account (with a valid payment method) associated with one of your Pages to boost a post. The user who connects the LinkedIn Page to Hootsuite must have advertiser permissions (Account Manager or Campaign Manager role) for the ad account in LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

Members in Hootsuite organizations must have Advanced or Custom permissions for the LinkedIn Page in order to boost content.

Boost your LinkedIn post

  1. Go to Ads, and then select LinkedIn Boost.
  2. Select Find a post to Sponsor and select a published post to boost. You cannot boost a post that contains more than one image (carousels). Note that it can take up to two hours for new or updated posts to appear in this list.
  3. In the Sponsor settings window, select the LinkedIn Page and ad account to use to boost your post.

    If you don't see a LinkedIn Page that’s connected to Hootsuite, make sure you have advertising permissions for the ad account in LinkedIn Campaign Manager. If you are a member of a Hootsuite organization, make sure you have Advanced or Custom social network permissions for the LinkedIn Page.
  4. Choose a Campaign group for your boost campaign.
  5. Choose an objective (engagement, video views, or website visits). LinkedIn uses this information to show your post to people who are likely to take the action you want.
  6. Choose your audience. Select Edit to specify the attributes you want to target, like location, company information, demographics, education, job experience, and interests, and then select Save audience to confirm your changes.

    Tip: Keep an eye on the potential reach of your audience as you build it. If the size of your potential audience becomes too small, remove some of your audience parameters.
    Example of where to find potential reach numbers.

  7. Select Enable LinkedIn Audience Network to expand your audience to LinkedIn members who share attributes with your target audience. For more information, see LinkedIn's help article about Audience Expansion.
  8. Set your budget and the length of your promotion.
  9. Select Sponsor on LinkedIn.
Tip: You can also boost a post from other areas in Hootsuite.
  • Go to a LinkedIn stream feed , select Boost post on the post and then enter your Boost settings.
  • Go to Create, select your LinkedIn Page, create your post, and select Promote this post to enter your Boost settings.
  • Go to Plan, select a scheduled post, select Edit to open it and enter your Boost settings.

Edit your boost settings

You can manage and edit your own scheduled boosted posts at any time.

  1. Go to Ads, and then select LinkedIn Boost.
  2. Select a LinkedIn ad account from the list, and filter the campaign list by selecting an option under Campaign status (active, inactive, or all campaigns).
  3. In any of your posts, you can do the following:
    • Select Edit Name to change the campaign name.
    • Set the campaign status to Active or Inactive.
    • Select Options to delete the boosted post campaign.

Note: Once a boosted post has been published, you can't change the content of the post. If you need to make a change to the content, delete the boost campaign, then edit the post (learn how to edit a post), and boost it again.

Manage boosted posts in your Hootsuite calendar

If you added Boost settings to a scheduled post, you can change them before the post is published. Only boost campaigns created in Hootsuite appear in your calendar.

  1. Go to Plan to view your calendar. You can quickly identify your promoted posts here - just look for the $ sign on the post.
    A scheduled post with Boost settings in Planner.
  2. Select the scheduled post, and then select Edit.
  3. In the Edit post window, go to the Promotion section, and select Edit.
  4. Make your changes, and then select Save settings and continue.
  5. Select Save edits.

You can also delete the boosted post from your content calendar. If you want to duplicate the post (select More and then select Duplicate), you'll need to re-enter your Boost settings.

Once a scheduled promotion is published and live, you can monitor the promotion results in Advertise (go to Ads, and then select LinkedIn Boost).

Review LinkedIn boost performance in Advertise

You can view metrics for your boosted LinkedIn posts to see how they're performing.

  1. Go to Ads, and then select LinkedIn Boost.
  2. Select a LinkedIn ad account from the list, and filter the campaign list by selecting an option under Campaign status (active, inactive, or all campaigns).
  3. For any campaign in the list, select View metrics to see key performance metrics for the boosted post.
  4. Optionally, select See post on LinkedIn to open LinkedIn and view the post.


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