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  Article updated: September 05, 2023

Auto-resolve conversations in Sparkcentral

All conversations in the New or Pending queues that are older than 30 days are automatically resolved. You can reduce this default time, and you can also specify a resolve reason.

The Auto-resolve conversations section of the Preferenes page.

These settings apply to all new conversations. When you make changes, conversations already in the New or Pending queues retain the settings applied when they arrived in the queue.

Note: Auto-resolve settings applied at the channel level override the default settings applied on the Preferences page. To apply channel-specific auto-resolve settings, go to Admin settings, expand Channels and business hours, select Channels, and then select Edit next to the channel you want to edit. Fixed

Example scenarios:

  • Customer didn't respond. If you respond to a customer and move the conversation to the pending queue, you rely on the customer to respond to you. Sometimes the customer simply stops responding, which requires manual resolution.
  • Twitter search queries. You can use Twitter search queries to listen to what people are saying about your brand. However, this might result in more items than your team can handle in your New queue, requiring you to use the bulk resolve feature to clean your queue.

All channels follow these auto-resolve conversations settings by default. However, you can override these settings in individual channels:

  1. Go to Admin settings, expand Channels and business hours, and then select Channels.
  2. Select Editnext to the channel you want to edit.
  3. Change the auto-resolve settings for the New or Pending queue.

Example scenario:

If an admin sets a default global setting to Resolve all conversations from the New queue by default after 10 days, and sets a channel-specific setting to Twitter such as "ClearCreditHelp channel to Resolve all conversations from the New queue after 14 days," the following will take effect:

  1. All conversations in the New queue for the Twitter-ClearCreditHelp channel are resolved after 14 days.

  2. All conversations in the New queue for your other channels are resolved after 10 days.


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