Article updated: January 04, 2022
Sparkcentral Account usage report
The Account usage report displays the number of customers you have helped, the number of agents who have been online, proactive API usage, and the number of messaging channels you have used to support customers.
To view the Account usage report, under Analytics, select Reports, and then select Account usage.
The Account Usage report displays the following information:
- Unique monthly contacts (UMCs) per platform - This graph shows values in monthly intervals only. Selecting one or more days in a month displays the total UMC count for that month, per social media platform. Selecting a start date in the previous month and an end date in the current month displays the total UMC counts per month.
- Resolved conversations per platform- All conversations that were resolved during the selected date range, started by an inbound message, with at least one outbound message.
- Active agents - All Sparkcentral agents who sent at least one outbound message during the selected date range.
- Channels - All channels connected to your Sparkcentral platform. Test and development channels are excluded.
- Proactive messages platform - All outbound messages sent using the proactive API during the selected date range.
Date selection and filter settings
Use the date selection, view, and filters to focus on the data that’s most relevant to you.
Date range and channels
- Time zone - Select the desired time zone on which to base the date and time of the generated chart.
- Date range - Select the date from and until which you would like to show data.
- Channels - Select the channels for which you would like the tool to show data.
Select the interval in which you would like to have data shown (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly).
Group by
To compare data between channels or between social networks, set Group by to either Platform or Channel.
Learn more about other reports
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