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  Article updated: June 26, 2024

Add Twilio to Sparkcentral

Twilio is a cloud communications provider and one of the platforms used in Sparkcentral to enable SMS messaging from and to clients.

Buy a number on Twilio

To send and receive SMS messages, you'll need an active number on Twilio.

  1. Go to and create an account or log in.
  2. In the left pane, select the # icon.
  3. Select Manage Numbers.
  4. In the left pane, select the # icon.
  5. Select the red + to buy a new number.

You can search for a number based on your requirements, such as location, SMS, or voice.

Connect Sparkcentral with the telephone number

To connect a phone number to a Sparkcentral channel:

  1. Go to Admin settings, expand Channels and business hours, and then select Channels.
  2. Select Add channel.
  3. Select SMS via Twilio.
  4. In the Channel Name box, enter a unique name for this channel.
  5. Enter the account SID:
    • In your Twilio console dashboard, select Settings. On the General Settings page, under API Credentials, select the LIVE Credentials tab and copy the Account SID.
    • In Sparkcentral, paste the Account SID into the Account Sid box.
  6. Enter the auth token:
    • In Twilio, select the eye icon under LIVE Credentials and copy the token that appears.
    • In Sparkcentral, paste this token in the Auth Token box.
  7. Enter the phone number SID:
    • In Twilio, select the # tab on the left, and the copy the phone number you want to connect.
    • In Sparkcentral, paste this number in the Phone number sid box.
  8. Select Next.

The channel is added to your Sparkcentral instance and can be used to send and receive text messages.


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