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  Article updated: October 04, 2022

Enable Sparkcentral single sign-on with third-party partners

Single sign-on (SSO) is a session and user authentication service that provides users with of a single set of login credentials for multiple applications. SSO helps enterprises, smaller organizations, and individuals manage a variety of user names and passwords. SSO is considered as a Federated Identity Management (FIM) arrangement, and the use of such a system is called Identity Federation.

Open Authorization (OAuth) is the framework that allows a user’s account details to be used by third parties, such as Facebook, without forwarding the login data to the third-party service provider. OAuth functions as an intercessor on behalf of the user by providing a token that grants the third-party access specific details that can be shared. When the user requests access to the platform from the provider, the service provider notifies the identity provider for authentication. The service provider then confirms the authentication and enables the access for the user.

  • Every agent will be automatically switched to use SSO. We recommend having at least one admin with username/password login and multifactor authentication. If something is adjusted in your SSO configuration, this admin user will still be able to log in and fix any configuration issues.
  • For information on enabling SSO with Hootsuite, see Enable single sign-on (SSO) with Hootsuite and Sparkcentral.

We've included step-by-step instructions for four common SSO integrations. Steps may vary slightly as providers update their websites.



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