Article updated: August 22, 2022
Sparkcentral SLA report
The SLA report shows you how well you are meeting your service-level-agreement (SLA) policies, providing relevant information for each SLA metric that you measure. Use it to pinpoint areas where you might need to increase efficiency or staffing based on weekly and hourly information.
To view the SLA report, under Analytics, select Reports, and then select SLA. If no SLA policies have been configured in your instance, this report will be empty.
Date selection and filter settings
You can filter the reports on the following information:
Date range and channel selection
- Timezone - Select the desired time zone on which to base the date and time of the generated chart.
- Date Range - Select the date from and until which you would like to show data.
- Channels - Select the channels for which you would like the tool to show data.
- SLA Policies - Specify which SLA you want to use to further filter the resulting charts.
- Channels - Select the channels for which you would like the tool to show data.
Charts in this report
- SLA - Overall SLA performance (first response time SLA and conversation response time SLA), based on SLA events. The graph displays all the SLA events that occurred during the selected time period and for which the conversation has been resolved.
- First response time SLA - The graph displays all SLA events that occurred during the selected time period and for which the conversation has been resolved.
- Conversation response time SLA - The graph displays all SLA events that occurred during the selected time period and for which the conversation has been resolved.
- Average first response time - The average of all first response times. Only for those channels that have an SLA policy enabled. All SLA events that occurred during the selected time period and for which the conversation has been resolved are included.
- Average conversation response time - The average of all conversation response times. Only for those channels that have an SLA policy enabled. All SLA events that occurred during the selected time period and for which the conversation has been resolved are included.
Learn more about other reports
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