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  Article updated: November 06, 2024

Transfer Inbox 2.0 data via SFTP

Transfer Inbox 2.0 scheduled data exports and audit logs in a safe and secure way via Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). You'll need to set up an FTP user and install an FTP client to use this feature. For information about the data included in your export, see Export your Inbox 2.0 data.

Generate an FTP User

  1. Go to Inbox 2.0 , select Admin settings, expand Integrations and APIs, and then select FTP users.
  2. Select Generate FTP User.
  3. Select Copy to clipboard to copy both fields and paste them into a secure temporary document for later reuse. Make sure you copy the password as it is not available after you close the window.

Download and install an FTP client

Download and install an FTP client like FileZilla, which can be downloaded from During installation, you'll be asked to enter the following information:

  • Host - s
  • Username and Password - These are the credentials you copied when you generated your FTP user.
  • Port - 22.

Access your Inbox 2.0 scheduled data exports and audit files

Open your FTP application to browse the directory of your Inbox 2.0 environment. The following image shows an example of an FTP directory in FileZilla.

Sparkcentral directory.

Locate your files and download them using the instructions specific to your FTP application. Downloaded files can be opened using any application that supports CSV (for example, Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets).


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