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  Article updated: August 05, 2024

Manage Amplify accounts and notifications

Manage the social accounts you want to share Amplify content to and choose the email notifications you'd like to receive.

Manage your accounts

Manage the social accounts you have connected to Amplify. These are the social accounts you can share Amplify content to.

  1. Go to Amplify , and then select Amplify settings from the bottom of the page.
    • Connected accounts - Switch on or off the social accounts you want to share Amplify content to, and add or remove social accounts.
    • Mentions - Allow content admins to mention your selected connected accounts in posts.

Manage your email notifications

Stay on top of new, sharable Amplify content with email notifications! You can choose to get notified about your organization's weekly popular posts and get notified when your organization posts something important.

  1. Go to Amplify , and then select Amplify settings from the bottom of the page.
  2. Select Email preferences. From here, you can switch on or off which email notifications you want to receive.


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