Article updated: January 16, 2025
Compare topic results
Compare search results for different topics to see how different campaigns or brands measure up over time. You can compare your topic results by standard metrics, as well as by sentiment, media type, country or region, and more.
You can compare the results for up to ten topics in your Listening project.
Compare results for multiple topics
- Go to Listening, and then select Topic Insights.
- Select Select Topic, select the topics that you want to compare from the list, and then select Apply.
Listening automatically updates each metric widget to show a total aggregate result for the selected topics, as well as the net change in results for each topic over time.
- If you want to see how the individual topic results measure up by different categories, select Compare by, and then select a category for your results comparison.
- Topics: display standard metrics for all topics.
- Media Types: display aggregate metrics distributed by media type.
- Sentiment: display aggregate metrics distributed by sentiment.
- Countries/Regions: display aggregate metrics distributed by country or region.
- Languages: display aggregate metrics distributed by language.
- Gender: display aggregate metrics distributed by gender.
- Smart Themes: display aggregate metrics distributed by common themes (brands, emotions, celebrities, and events).
- Optionally, change the timeframe for the search results to see how the topics have performed over a longer period of time. You can choose one of the preset intervals, (3 months, 6 months, or 1 year) , or use the calendar to specify a custom date range.
- If you want to further narrow your topic results, select Filters to open the Filters side panel, then select the filters you want to apply. You can filter results based on keyword(s), sentiment, media content, media type, country or region, language, demographic categories, smart themes, and more.
- If you want to download your quick search results comparison, select Build Report , then select your report format (PDF or Powerpoint).
Hootsuite generates the reports and prompts you to download it when it's ready.
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