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  Article updated: October 31, 2024

About result widgets in Listening

Listening (powered by Talkwalker) provides rich data analysis and visualization of your search results so you can quickly assess the impact of your search term or topic from a variety of angles. AI-generated summaries, powered by Blue Silk™ GPT , give you real-time social and consumer insights to quickly identify recurring themes and emerging trends in your audience.

Note: Only a subset of result widgets are available with Listening Basics.

See the following sections for details on each widget displayed for Quick Search and Topic Insights results.

Key metrics

The Key Metrics tab contains high-level information about how your search term is resonating with online audiences.


The Sentiment tab shows the distribution of sentiment for your search term, as well as the key drivers for sentiment and the emotions attributed to your search term.

Top themes

The Top Themes tab shows the words and concepts that are associated with your search term, as well as the URLs shared, and the hashtags and brands mentioned most often.


The Influencers tab provides a snapshot of who has talked the most about your search term, and who has generated the highest engagement.


The Demographics tab provides insights about your audience, including gender, age, occupation, family status, and interests.

World map

The World Map tab provides a snapshot of how much conversation there is around your search term globally. You can use this information when you’re looking for new markets to target.


The Results tab contains the top 10 mentions that match your search term. You can change the widget to display up to 250 top mentions. For each mention, you can view its source, author, location, date and time, and sentiment.

Visual Insights

The Visual insights tab provides an overview of how many mentions that match your search term use images.

Note: The Visual insights tab is only available for Topic Insights.



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