Article updated: October 31, 2024
About result widgets in Listening
Listening (powered by Talkwalker) provides rich data analysis and visualization of your search results so you can quickly assess the impact of your search term or topic from a variety of angles. AI-generated summaries, powered by Blue Silk™ GPT , give you real-time social and consumer insights to quickly identify recurring themes and emerging trends in your audience.
Note: Only a subset of result widgets are available with Listening Basics.
See the following sections for details on each widget displayed for Quick Search and Topic Insights results.
Key metrics
The Key Metrics tab contains high-level information about how your search term is resonating with online audiences.
The Results widget shows the total number of mentions that match your search query, so you can quickly see how popular your search term is.
For topics, Listening compares the search results for the current period to the results for the previous period, and shows the net change (up or down) as a percentage value.
The Engagement widget shows the number of times anyone engaged with a post or article that matches your search term. Engagement includes likes, retweets, shares, and comments.
For topics, Listening compares the search results for the current period to the results for the previous period, and shows the net change (up or down) as a percentage value.
The Sentiment widget shows the distribution of mentions by positive and negative sentiment. Select a segment to see details about the mentions classified by that sentiment, with AI-powered summaries of the reasons driving the sentiment.
The Authors widget shows the number of unique authors in the mentions that match your search query, across all platforms with a populated author field.
For topics, Listening compares the search results for the current period to the results for the previous period, and shows the net change (up or down) as a percentage value.
The Results over time widget shows a line chart of the distribution of mentions for the selected time frame. Point to a place on the graph to see the number of mentions for a specific point in time.
You can enable peak detection to see where interest in your search term was higher than usual. See Enable peak detection for search results for more information. You can also enable forecasting, to predict future fluctuations in mentions and engagement for your search term. See Enable forecasting for search results for more information.
The Activity peak widget shows a heat map of the distribution of mentions over hours of the day and days of the week so you can see when activity for your search query was highest. Each square in the grid contains the number of mentions for a specific hour of a day of the week. Lighter-colored squares represent less activity and darker-colored squares represent more activity.
The Sentiment tab shows the distribution of sentiment for your search term, as well as the key drivers for sentiment and the emotions attributed to your search term.
The Topics leading to positive sentiments widget shows AI-powered summaries of themes that are relevant to your search term and that likely drove positive sentiment among mentions in your search results.
The Topics leading to negative sentiments widget shows AI-powered summaries of themes that are relevant to your search term and that likely drove negative sentiment among mentions in your search results.
The Share of sentiment widget shows the overall share of sentiment related to your search term, whether positive, negative, or neutral. The chart legend also shows the net change in sentiment, as compared to the previous period, as a percentage value.
The Sentiment over time widget hows a line chart of the distribution of sentiment of mentions for the selected time frame. Point to a place on the graph to see the number of mentions for a sentiment category at a specific point in time.
You can enable peak detection to see where sentiment was higher than usual. See Enable peak detection for search results for more information. You can also enable forecasting, to predict future fluctuations in sentiment for your search term. See Enable forecasting for search results for more information.
Note: This widget is available for Topic Insights only.
The Sentiment key drivers widget allows you to visualize and analyze themes or topics mentioned in social media data. The widget displays the Top Themes layout by default, which shows a horizontal word cloud of the most frequently mentioned themes. The size of each word indicates its relative importance, while color represents the dominant sentiment associated with mentions containing that word. Green indicates positive sentiment, yellow or orange indicates neutral sentiment, and red indicates negative sentiment.
Point to a word to see the percentage of results that include the word. Select a word to see more details about the theme, such as the number of results, average posts per day, and when the theme peaked.
You can also change what is displayed in the widget by selecting one of the following options:
- Hashtags
- Accounts (shows the most popular social media accounts mentioned in the results)
- Bio (shows themes from the biographies of social media users, available for Twitter, Instagram, and DailyMotion)
- Emojis
- Smart themes
- Visuals (logos, objects, scenes)
- Filters (smart filters)
- Aspects
The Share of emotion widget shows a bar chart of the distribution of mentions by emotion, to help you understand how people are reacting to your search term. The chart also shows the number of mentions representing each emotion, and the net change in emotion, as compared to the previous period.
The Emotions over time widget shows a line chart of the distribution of emotions associated with your search term, over the selected time frame. Point to a place on the graph to see the number of mentions representing a specific emotion at a specific point in time.
Top themes
The Top Themes tab shows the words and concepts that are associated with your search term, as well as the URLs shared, and the hashtags and brands mentioned most often.
The Themes widget allows you to visualize and analyze themes or topics mentioned in social media data. The widget displays the Top Themes layout by default, which shows a bubble word cloud of the most frequently mentioned themes. The size of each word indicates its relative importance, while color represents the dominant sentiment associated with mentions containing that word. Green indicates positive sentiment, yellow or orange indicates neutral sentiment, and red indicates negative sentiment.
Point to a word to see the percentage of results that include the word. Select a word to see more details about the theme, such as the number of results, average posts per day, and when the theme peaked.
You can also change what is displayed in the widget by selecting one of the following options:
- Hashtags
- Accounts (shows the most popular social media accounts mentioned in the results)
- Bio (shows themes from the biographies of social media users, available for Twitter, Instagram, and DailyMotion)
- Emojis
- Smart themes (brands, celebrities, emotions, events)
- Filters (smart filters)
- Aspects
The Top shared URLs widget shows a list of the links shared most often, sorted by how many times they appear in the search results. Select the results for a specific URL to see more details about where and how many times it was shared.
The Top hashtags widget shows a list of the most popular hashtags in your search results, sorted by the number of times they appear, and broken out by sentiment, engagement, potential reach, authors, and net sentiment. Select the results for a specific hashtag to see additional metrics and individual mentions that contain the hashtag.
The Top brands widget shows a list of brands associated with your search term, sorted by the number of times they appear, and broken out by sentiment, engagement, potential reach, authors, and net sentiment. Select the results for a specific brand to see additional metrics and individual mentions associated with the brand.
The Influencers tab provides a snapshot of who has talked the most about your search term, and who has generated the highest engagement.
The Authors widget shows the number of unique authors in the mentions that match your search term, across all platforms with a populated author field.
For topics, Listening compares the search results for the current period to the results for the previous period, and shows the net change (up or down) as a percentage value.
The Sites widget shows the number of unique sites where mentions that match your search term appear most often.
For topics, Listening compares the search results for the current period to the results for the previous period, and shows the net change (up or down) as a percentage value.
The Share of media types widget shows a bar chart of the distribution of mentions by social platform and media type, to help you understand where people are talking about your search term most. The chart also shows the number of mentions representing each media type, and the net change in media type mentions, as compared to the previous period.
The Top authors widget shows which authors appear most often in your search results, across all platforms with a populated author field. The list is sorted by mention volume. Select an author to see how they talk about your search term online, as well as their most recent and most engaging posts.
The Top sites widget a list of the sites where mentions that match your search term appear most often, sorted by mention volume. Select a site to see what content they publish about your search term, as well as the site’s most recent and most engaging posts.
The Demographics tab provides insights about your audience, including gender, age, occupation, family status, and interests.
The Gender widget shows the distribution of authors in your mentions by male and female authors (as a percentage of the total).
The Age widget shows the distribution of authors in your mentions by age (as a percentage of the total).
The Languages widget shows the languages used most often in the search results (as a percentage of the total). Select a language to see what kind of content is published related to your search term, as well as the individual results published in that language.
The Top occupations widget shows the distribution of mentions that match your search term across occupations.
The Top family status widget shows the distribution of authors in your mentions by family status (as a percentage of the total).
The Top interests widget shows a bar chart of the interests most often reported by authors in results that match your search term.
World map
The World Map tab provides a snapshot of how much conversation there is around your search term globally. You can use this information when you’re looking for new markets to target.
The Distribution on the world map widget shows the distribution of mentions that match your search term based on country of origin. Different colors represent different countries, and the darker the color, the more often that country appears in the results. Point to a country on the map to see the number of mentions associated with it. Select a country to see details about mentions that originate from that country.
The Sentiment widget shows the distribution of mentions that match your search term by sentiment, based on country of origin. Point to a country to see the number of mentions associated with it, including the breakdown of sentiment for those mentions.
The Share of countries/regions widget shows the distribution of mentions that match your search results by country or region. Point to a metric to see the country and the number of mentions associated with it. Select a result to see details about mentions that originate from the country it represents.
The Results tab contains the top 10 mentions that match your search term. You can change the widget to display up to 250 top mentions. For each mention, you can view its source, author, location, date and time, and sentiment.
Visual Insights
The Visual insights tab provides an overview of how many mentions that match your search term use images.
Note: The Visual insights tab is only available for Topic Insights.
The Input split widget shows a breakdown of the mentions that match your search term that contain media (images, video, and audio). Point to a media type to see the number of mentions that contain that media. Select a media type to see the mentions that contain that media type, as well as the themes that those mentions cover.
The Indoor/outdoor split widget shows the distribution of mentions that match your search terms across the use of indoor or outdoor images and videos. Point to a segment to see the number of mentions that contain that type of image or video. Select a segment to see the mentions that contain that type of image or video.
The Most engaging posts widget shows the posts with the highest engagement based on different media (image, video, and audio). Select a mention for more details on source, author, and sentiment.
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