Article updated: November 17, 2024
About search query syntax
Listening (powered by Talkwalker) supports a wide range of search query operators to help you find the most relevant mentions for your search.
Single keyword searches match all mentions that contain the keyword. Use Boolean operators as conjunctions between keywords to combine or exclude keywords in your search, to get the most relevant results possible. If you're searching for a phrase that contains spaces, enter it in quotation marks.
Basic Boolean operators
The following table describes the most commonly used Boolean operators in Listening searches.
Operator | Description | Example |
AND | Searches for mentions that include both specified terms on the same page. |
Matches mentions that contain "social" and "media" on the same page. Mentions with only one of these terms are excluded. |
AND NOT | Searches for mentions that include one specified term and exclude the other specified term. |
Matches mentions of "social", as long as "media" is not mentioned on the same page. |
OR | Searches for mentions that include at least one of the specified terms. |
Matches mentions that contain "social" or "media". |
NOT | Searches for mentions that exclude the specified term. |
Matches mentions that do not include the word "platform". |
( ) Combinations |
Groups terms together so that a single operator can be applied to everything in the brackets. |
Matches mentions that contain "social" and "media" on the same page, or mentions that contain "social" and "network" on the same page. |
" " (Exact phrase search) |
Searches for mentions that contain the term exactly as specified. If you use upper case letters in your search term, Listening matches both upper and lower case mentions of the term. |
Matches mentions that contain the phrase "HOOTSUITE platform", "Hootsuite platform", "hootsuite platform", and so on. |
Upper case search | Searches for mentions that contain the specified term in upper case letters only. |
Matches mentions that contain "HOOTSUITE", but not "Hootsuite", "hootsuite", and so on. |
* (Wildcard search) |
Searches for mentions that contain the term, with any number of characters where the "*" appears. If you place the "*" at the end of a term, Listening finds variations of the root term. |
Matches mentions that contain variants of the root term (for example, Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Luxemburgish, and so on). |
? (One character wildcard search) |
Searches for mentions that contain the term, with any letter where the "?" appears. Use this operator to include spelling variations of a term. Do not place the "?" at the end of the term (use the "*" operator instead). |
Matches mentions that contain any variation of the word "customize" (for example, "customize" and "customise"). |
" "~ (Fuzzy search) |
Searches for mentions that contain the terms specified in quotes (to a maximum four words) expressed with a hyphen, space, or other special character. |
Matches mentions that contain variations of the term “car sharing” (for example, carsharing, car-sharing, car sharing, and so on). |
~n |
Searches for mentions that contain words that are similar to the specified term. You can also use a number (1 or 2) after "~" to indicate the number of characters that can be different. |
Matches mentions that contain words similar to the word "roam" (for example, "road" and "room"). |
+" " |
Searches for mentions that contain the specified term, including any special characters. |
Matches mentions that contain the words "maître d'hôtel", including apostrophe and accented letters. |
++" " Exact raw data search |
Searches for mentions that contain the specified term, including any special characters and upper or lower case letters. |
Matches mentions that contain the words "Hôtel d'Orsay", including apostrophe, accented letters, and capitalization. |
\ (Quoted term search) |
Searches for mentions that include quotation marks as part of a keyword or keyword phrase. Make sure you place the "\" before the quotation marks. Use this operator with the raw data search (+)or exact raw data search (++). |
Matches mentions that contain the phrase "It's simply 'the best'", where "the best" is in quotation marks. |
Proximity-based Boolean operators
The following table describes Boolean operators for proximity-based searches.
Operator | Description | Example |
" "~n (Proximity search) |
Searches for mentions that contain the specified terms within a set proximity to each other. |
Matches mentions of the phrase "social media" and mentions where "social" and "media" are separated by at most five words. |
NEAR/n | Searches for mentions that contain the specified term(s) within a set proximity to other specified terms. If you don't specify a number, Listening uses a default of 15. |
Hootsuite NEAR/5 (listening OR analytics) Matches mentions where "Hootsuite" appears within five words of "listening" or "analytics". |
Searches for mentions that contain the specified term(s) within a set proximity to other specified terms, in the order specified. |
Matches mentions where Hootsuite appears within three words of "listening" or "analytics," and appears before those terms. |
SENTENCE | Searches for mentions where the specified terms appear in the same sentence. |
Hootsuite SENTENCE (listening OR analytics) Matches mentions where Hootsuite appears in the same sentence as "listening" or "analytics." |
OSENTENCE | Searches for mentions where the specified terms appear in the same sentence, in the order specified. |
Matches mentions where Hootsuite appears in the same sentence as "listening" or "analytics" and appears before those terms. |
FIRST/n | Indicates how close to the beginning of a mention the specified term(s) must appear. You must use parentheses with the keyword(s). |
Matches mentions where "Hootsuite" appears within the first ten words of the post, page, or article.
Matches mentions where either "Hootsuite" or "Talkwalker" appears within the first ten words of the post, page, or article. |
Content-related Boolean operators
The following table summarizes the Boolean operators for searches based on content attributes.
Operator | Description | Example |
title: |
Searches for mentions where the specified term appears in the title of an article. You can also use it with the proximity search "..."~. |
Matches mentions where "olympics" appears in the title of an article or page. |
content: | Searches for mentions where the specified term appears in the body of an article. |
Matches mentions where "olympics" appears in the body of an article or page. |
contains:<type> |
Matches mentions that contain the specified media type. Supported post types are:
Matches mentions that contain the term "olympics" and include an emoji. |
posttype:<type> |
Matches mentions that correspond to the specified post type only. Supported post types are:
olympics posttype:image Matches image-based mentions that contain the term "olympics". |
image:object <type> |
Matches mentions that contain an image with the specified object type. For a full list of supported image objects, see the About search query syntax section. |
Matches mentions that contain the term "animals" and an image of a cow. |
image:scene <type> |
Matches mentions that contain an image with the specified scene type. For a full list of supported image scenes, see the About search query syntax section. |
Matches mentions that contain the term "dog" and an image with a canal. |
content_ocr:X | Matches mentions that contain the specified term in the text included in an image |
content_ocr:olympics Matches image-based mentions where the term "olympics" appears in the image. |
sourcetype: | Matches mentions from a specific type of media source. For full list of supported media sources, see the About search query syntax section. |
Matches mentions of "olympics" that are found in blogs only. |
URL-based Boolean operators
The following table summarizes the Boolean operators for searches based on specific websites.
Operator | Description | Example |
url: | Matches mentions from a specific page on a site. This operator is case-sensitive, and cannot be used with wildcards (*). |
parenturl: |
Matches all child mentions (comments, replies, retweets, and quote tweets) from a specific URL, as well as the original post or tweet. This operator works for social media platforms and other media types for which Listening obtains comments on the original content (for example, forums). This operator is case-sensitive and must be used with the exact URL. |
Returns all child documents from this post on Twitter. |
hosturl: | Matches all mentions from a particular URL that can be a smaller part of a larger site. |
Returns results from the news section of the site. |
domainurl: | Matches all mentions from the specified domain. |
Returns results from the entire site. |
site: |
Matches mentions from a specific website. Use the site: operator with the NOT operator to exclude mentions from a specific site. When you specify the site, you must include the top-level domain (for example, .com or and end with a "/". Do not include “www” before the domain name.
The |
Returns articles that contain "rowing" from the olympics/com/ioc site. |
inurls: | Matches all mentions that have the chosen keyword anywhere in their URL or that have it in any referenced URL in the content. |
Matches mentions that have "hootsuite" in the URL or in any referenced URL within the post or article. |
Platform-related Boolean operators
The following table describes the Boolean operators you can use to find mentions from specific platforms in Listening searches.
Use these Boolean operators to filter on mentions specific to Facebook.
Operator | Description | Example |
facebook_shares: | Matches mentions based on the number of Facebook shares the article or post has. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and that have been shared more than 500 times on Facebook. |
Matches mentions based on the number of Facebook reactions the article or post has. Reactions include "like" (the sum of both "like" and "care" reactions), "love," "haha," "wow," "angry," and "sad." |
olympics facebook_reactions:>500 Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 500 reactions on Facebook. |
facebook_reactions_<type>: |
Matches mentions based on the number of Facebook reaction types the article or post has. Supported reaction types include:
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and have more than 50 "likes" on Facebook. |
facebook_followers: | Matches mentions from Facebook accounts with the specified threshold of followers. |
olympics facebook_followers:>1000 Matches Facebook mentions that contain "olympics" from accounts that have more than 1000 followers. |
facebook_video_views: | Matches mentions from an owned Facebook account where a video has played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly its full length if it is shorter than 3 seconds. This includes live views. For a single video play instance, any time spent replaying the video is excluded. |
Matches videos on an owned Facebook account that have been played more than 300 times. |
is:facebook_reel | Matches mentions that are Facebook reels. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and that are Facebook reels. |
is:facebook_unmonitored |
Matches mentions from Facebook Pages that are included in Talkwalker's Facebook Catalog. For more information on the Facebook Catalog, see Data sources and social media coverage. |
Matches mentions from public Facebook Pages in Talkwalker's Facebook Catalog that contain "olympics." |
Use these Boolean operators to filter on mentions specific to Instagram.
Operator | Description | Example |
instagram_likes: | Matches Instagram mentions based on the specified threshold of likes. |
olympics instagram_likes:>1000 Matches Instagram mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 1000 likes. |
instagram_followers: | Matches mentions from Instagram accounts with the specified threshold of followers. |
olympics instagram_followers:>500 Matches Instagram mentions that contain "olympics" from accounts that have more than 500 followers. |
is:instagram_story | Matches mentions that are Instagram stories. |
"olympics" is:instagram_story Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and that are Instagramstories. |
is:instagram_reel | Matches mentions that are Instagram reels. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and that are Instagram reels. |
Use these Boolean operators to filter on mentions specific to Twitter.
Operator | Description | Example |
is:twitter_reply | Matches Twitter mentions that are replies to other tweets. |
olympics is:twitter_reply Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that are replies to other tweets. |
is:quote-tweet | Matches only Twitter mentions that are quote tweets. |
olympics is:quote_tweet Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that are quote tweets. |
is:automated_post | Matches only Twitter mentions that are automated posts. |
Matches Twitter mentions from automated accounts that contain "olympics." |
is:author_verified_blue is:author_verified_gold is:author_verified_grey |
Matches Twitter mentions from verified accounts denoted by a blue, gold, or grey checkmark. |
Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and whose accounts have a blue checkmark. |
authorcategory: | Matches Twitter mentions from authors from a specific category (individual or business). |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" from authors identified by Twitter as businesses. |
twitter_shares: | Matches mentions based on the specified threshold of Twitter shares the article or post has. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and that have been shared more than 500 times on Twitter. |
twitter_followers: | Matches mentions from Twitter accounts with the specified threshold of followers. |
olympics twitter_followers:>500 Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" from accounts that have more than 500 followers. |
twitter_likes: | Matches Twitter mentions based on the specified threshold of likes. |
olympics twitter_likes:>1000 Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 1000 likes. |
twitter_retweets: | Matches Twitter mentions based on the specified threshold of retweets. |
olympics twitter_retweets:>1000 Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 1000 retweets. |
twitter_quote_tweets | Matches Twitter mentions based on the specified threshold of quote tweets. |
olympics twitter_quote_tweets:>50 Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 50 quote tweets. |
twitter_replies: | Matches Twitter mentions based on the specified threshold of replies. |
olympics twitter_replies:>500 Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 500 replies. |
twitter_impressions: | Matches Twitter mentions based on the specified threshold of impressions. |
olympics twitter_impressions:>50 Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 50 impressions. |
twitter_video_views: | Matches Twitter mentions based on the specified threshold of video views. |
olympics twitter_impressions:>50 Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 50 video views. |
twitter_bookmarks: | Matches mentions that meet the specified threshold of bookmarks. |
Matches Twitter mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 50 bookmarks. |
Use these Boolean operators to filter on mentions specific to YouTube.
Operator | Description | Example |
is:youtube_short | Matches YouTube short videos (and includes comments on the videos). |
Matches YouTube short videos that have "festival" in the title or the description. |
youtube_views: | Matches YouTube videos that meet the specified threshold of views. |
Matches YouTube videos that have "olympics" in the title and have been viewed more than 500 times. |
youtube_likes: | Matches YouTube videos that meet the specified threshold of likes. |
Matches YouTube videos that have "olympics" in the title and have been liked more than 500 times. |
Use these Boolean operators to filter on mentions specific to Reddit.
Operator | Description | Example |
reddit_upvotes | Matches Reddit mentions based on the specified threshold of upvotes. |
olympics reddit_upvotes:>100 Matches Reddit mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 100 upvotes. |
reddit_downvotes | Matches Reddit mentions based on the specified threshold of downvotes. |
olympics reddit_downvotes:>100 Matches Reddit mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 100 downvotes. |
reddit_totalvotes | Matches Reddit mentions based on the specified threshold of total votes (the sum of upvotes and downvotes). |
olympics reddit_totalvotes:>100 Matches Reddit mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 100 votes. |
subreddit_subscribers | Matches mentions from subreddits with the specified threshold of subscribers. |
olympics subreddit_subscribers:>50 Matches Reddit mentions that contain "olympics" from subreddits that have more than 50 subscribers. |
reddit_karma | Matches Reddit mentions from contributors with the specified Reddit Karma score. |
olympics reddit_karma:>50 Matches Reddit mentions that contain "olympics" from Reddit contributors who have a Karma score of 50 or higher. |
is:reddit_poll | Matches mentions that are Reddit poll posts. |
Matches Reddit mentions that contain "decade" and a poll. |
Use these Boolean operators to filter on mentions specific to Quora.
Operator | Description | Example |
is:answer | Matches mentions that are Quora answers. |
olympics is:answer Matches answers to questions on Quora that contain "olympics." |
quora_shares: | Matches mentions based on the specified threshold of Quora shares the article or post has. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and that have been shared more than 50 times on Quora. |
quora_upvotes: | Matches Quora mentions based on the specified threshold of upvotes. |
olympics quora_upvotes:>100 Matches Quora mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 100 upvotes. |
quora_answers: | Matches Quora mentions based on the specified threshold of answers the Quora post has. |
olympics quora_answers:>10 Matches Quora mentions that contain "olympics" and that have more than 10 answers. |
Use these Boolean operators to filter on mentions specific to Semrush.
Operator | Description | Example |
semrush_pageviews: | Matches articles whose source has had the specified threshold of page views in the last 30 days, according to Semrush Rank. |
olympics semrush_pageviews:>50 Matches mentions that contain "olympics" from pages that have had more than 50 views in the last 30 days. |
semrush_unique_visitors: | Matches articles whose source has had the specified threshold of unique visitors in the last 30 days, according to Semrush Rank. |
olympics semrush_unique_visitors:>100 Matches mentions that contain "olympics" from pages that have had more than 100 unique visitors in the last 30 days. |
semrush_traffic_rank: | Matches articles whose source has had the specified threshold of traffic rank, according to Semrush. The domains are ranked according to the amount of total web traffic they receive. The lower the rank number, the higher the website's traffic. |
Matches mentions that come from websites that have traffic rank higher than 50. |
semrush_desktop_visits: | Matches articles whose source has had the specified threshold of desktop visits in the last 30 days. |
Matches mentions from websites with more than 5000 desktop visits. |
semrush_mobile_visits: | Matches articles whose source has had the specified threshold of mobile visits in the last 30 days. |
Matches mentions from websites from the websites with more than 5000 mobile visits. |
semrush_time_on_site: | Matches articles whose source has had the specified threshold of average time, in seconds, spent by the visitors on the website in the last 30 days. |
Matches mentions from websites where visitors have spent more than 50 seconds on the site. |
semrush_bounce_rate: | Matches articles whose source have the specified percentage of visitors who enter a site, take no action, and leave after visiting only one page. |
semrush_bounce_rate:>0.5 Matches mentions from websites where the bounce rate was higher than 50%. |
Author-related Boolean operators
The following table describes Boolean operators you can use to narrow in on mentions that match specific author attributes.
Operator | Description | Example |
authorcountry: |
Matches mentions by authors from a specific country. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" by French authors only. |
authordescription: | Matches mentions by authors who include the specified descriptor in their bio. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" by authors who have the words "social media" in their bio. |
author_id: | Matches mentions from a source with a specific author ID. E.g. author_id:"ig:4024202702" will find posts from this source only. |
olympics author_id:ig:4024202702 Matches mentions that contain "olympics" from the specified author only. |
author: | Matches mentions from authors whose name include the specified term. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" from authors whose name includes the word "Sarah." |
authorshort: |
Matches mentions from a specific author handle or short name. This operator is case-sensitive and must be used with the handle or short name of the author (without the @ symbol), exactly as it appears on the social network. This operator matches mentions from Twitter, Instagram and VKontakte. |
Matches mentions from accounts with "@hootsuite" in the handle that contain the word "account." |
Demographic-related Boolean operators
The following table describes Boolean operators you can use to narrow in on mentions that match specific demographic categories, such as occupation, family status, and interest.
Operator | Description | Example |
demographic:occupation-<type> |
Matches mentions where the author is identified with a specific occupation. For a full list of supported occupations, see the About search query syntax section. |
Matches mentions that contain the term "olympics" from authors who identify as teachers. |
demographic:interest-<type> |
Matches mentions where the author is identified with a specific interest (as part of their bio). For a full list of supported interests, see the About search query syntax section. |
Matches mentions that contain the term "festival" from authors who identify an interest in movies. |
demographic:familystatus-<type> |
Matches mentions where the author is identified with a specific family status (as part of their bio). Supported family status categories are:
Matches mentions that contain the term "festival" from authors who identify as a parent. |
gender: | Matches mentions from only female or male authors, or authors of unknown gender. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" by authors identified as female. |
Metric-related Boolean operators
The following table describes Boolean operators you can use to narrow in on mentions that match specific metric thresholds, such as reach and engagement.
Operator | Description | Example |
reach: | Matches mentions based on the number of people who were shown the article, post, or video. |
Matches mentions that contain the term "olympics" with a reach of more than 1000 people. |
engagement: | Matches mentions based on the number of people who have engaged with the article, post or video. |
Matches mentions that contain the term "olympics" with engagement from at least 500 people. |
rating: |
Matches mentions based on the review rating. Talkwalker review ratings range from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest rating. If you are looking for 5 star Amazon reviews, then you need to set 10 as the value. 9 would be a 4.5 star rating on Amazon. |
Matches review mentions that contain the term "hotel" and give a medium rating (at minimum). |
comment_count: | Matches mentions based on the number of comments a post, article, or video has. |
Matches mentions that contain "olympics" and have more than 100 comments. |
wordcount: | Matches mentions based on the number of words a post, article, or video has. |
Matches mentions that are 1000 words or more long and contain the term "olympics". |
Advanced Boolean operators
The following table describes advanced Boolean operators for Listening searches.
Operator | Description | Example |
lang: | Matches mentions in a specific language. For a full list of language codes, see the About search query syntax section. |
Matches mentions of "Hootsuite" that are in the French language only. |
sourcecountry: | Matches mentions from a specific country. . For a full list of coungry codes, see the About search query syntax section. |
Matches mentions of "Hootsuite" that originate from the UK. |
Codes for Boolean operators
Certain Boolean operators require specific codes to narrow in on results. See the following sections for more information.
Listening can detect and filter mentions in 186 languages. To get results in a particular language, use the lang:
operator with the relevant language code, as listed in the following table.
Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code |
A | |||||
Abkhazian | ab |
Amharic | am |
Avaric | av |
Afar | aa |
Arabic | ar |
Avestan | ae |
Afrikaans | af |
Aragonese | an |
Aymara | ay |
Akan | ak |
Armenian | hy |
Azerbaijani | az |
Albanian | sq |
Assamese | as |
B | |||||
Bambara | bm |
Bengali | bn |
Breton | br |
Bashkir | ba |
Bihari | bh |
Bulgarian | bg |
Basque | eu |
Bislama | bi |
Burmese | my |
Belarusian | be |
Bosnian | bs |
C | |||||
Catalan | ca |
Chinese Traditional | zh_tw |
Corsican | co |
Chamorro | ch |
Church Slavic | cu |
Cree | cr |
Chechen | ce |
Chuvash | cv |
Croatian | hr |
Chinese Simplified | zh_cn |
Cornish | kw |
Czech | cs |
D | |||||
Danish | da |
Dutch | nl |
Dzongkha | dz |
Divehi | dv |
E | |||||
English | en |
Estonian | et |
Ewe | ee |
Esperanto | eo |
F | |||||
Faroese | fo |
Finnish | fi |
Frisian | fy |
Fijian | fj |
French | fr |
Fulah | ff |
G | |||||
Galician | gl |
German | de |
Guarani | gn |
Ganda | lg |
Greek | el |
Gujarati | gu |
Georgian | ka |
Greenlandic | kl |
H | |||||
Haitian | ht |
Herero | hz |
Hiri Motu | ho |
Hausa | ha |
Hindi | hi |
Hungarian | hu |
Hebrew | he |
I | |||||
Icelandic | is |
Interlingua | ia |
Inupiaq | ik |
Ido | io |
Interlingue | ie |
Irish | ga |
Igbo | ig |
Inuktitut | iu |
Italian | it |
Indonesian | id |
J | |||||
Japanese | ja |
Javanese | jv |
K | |||||
Kannada | kn |
Kikuyu | ki |
Kongo | kg |
Kanuri | kr |
Kinyarwanda | rw |
Korean | ko |
Kashmiri | ks |
Kirghiz | ky |
Kurdish | ku |
Kazakh | kk |
Komi | kv |
Kwanyama | kj |
Khmer | km |
L | |||||
Lao | lo |
Limburgish | li |
Luba Katanga | lu |
Latin | la |
Lingala | ln |
Luxembourgish | lb |
Latvian | lv |
Lithuanian | lt |
M | |||||
Macedonian | mk |
Maltese | mt |
Marshallese | mh |
Malagasy | mg |
Manx | gv |
Moldavian | mo |
Malay | ms |
Maori | mi |
Mongolian | mn |
Malayalam | ml |
Marathi | mr |
N | |||||
Nauru | na |
Northern Sami | se |
Norwegian Bokmal | nb |
Navajo | nv |
North Ndebele | nd |
Norwegian Nynorsk | nn |
Ndonga | ng |
Norwegian | no |
Nyanja | ny |
Nepali | ne |
O | |||||
Occitan | oc |
Oriya | or |
Ossetian | os |
Ojibwe | oj |
Oromo | om |
P | |||||
Pali | pi |
Persian | fa |
Portuguese | pt |
Panjabi | pa |
Posih | pl |
Pushto | ps |
Q | |||||
Quechua | qu |
R | |||||
Raeto Romance | rm |
Rundi | rn |
Russian | ru |
Romania | ro |
S | |||||
Samoan | sm |
Sichuan Yi | ii |
South Ndebele | nr |
Sango | sg |
Sindhi | sd |
Spanish | es |
Sanskrit | sa |
Sinhalese | si |
Sudanese | su |
Sardinian | sc |
Slovak | sk |
Swahili | sw |
Scottish Gaelic | gd |
Slovenian | sl |
Swati | ss |
Serbian | sr |
Somali | so |
Swedish | sv |
Shona | sn |
Southern Sotho | st |
T | |||||
Tagalog | tl |
Telugu | te |
Tsonga | ts |
Tahitian | ty |
Thai | th |
Tswana | tn |
Tajik | tg |
Tibetan | bo |
Turkish | tr |
Tamil | ta |
Tigrinya | ti |
Turkmen | tk |
Tatar | tt |
Tonga | to |
Twi | tw |
U | |||||
Uighur | ug |
Urdu | ur |
Uzbek | uz |
Ukranian | uk |
V | |||||
Venga | ve |
Vietnamese | vi |
Volapük | vo |
W | |||||
Walloon | wa |
Welsh | cy |
Wolof | wo |
X | |||||
Xhosa | xh |
Y | |||||
Yiddish | yi |
Yoruba | yo |
Z | |||||
Zhuang | za |
Zulu | zu |
Listening gathers mentions from 239 countries and regiopns around the world. To get results from a particular country or region, use the sourcecountry:
operator with the relevant country code, as listed in the following table.
Country | Code | Country | Code | Country | Code |
A | |||||
Afghanistan | af |
Angola | ao |
Aruba | aw |
Aland Islands | ax |
Anguilla | ai |
Australia | au |
Albania | al |
Antarctica | aq |
Austria | at |
Algeria | dz |
Antigua and Barbuda | ag |
Azerbaijan | az |
America Samoa | as |
Argentina | ar |
Andorra | ad |
Armenia | am |
B | |||||
Bahamas | bs |
Benin | bj |
Brazil | br |
Bahrain | bh |
Bermuda | bm |
British Indian Ocean Territory | io |
Bangladesh | bd |
Bhutan | bt |
British Virgin Islands | vg |
Barbados | bb |
Bolivia | bo |
Brunei | bn |
Belarus | by |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | ba |
Bulgaria | bg |
Belgium | be |
Botswana | bw |
Burkina Faso | bf |
Belize | bz |
Bouvet Island | bv |
Burundi | bi |
C | |||||
Cambodia | kh |
Chile | cl |
Costa RIca | cr |
Cameroon | cm |
China | cn |
Côte d'Ivoire | ci |
Canada | ca |
Christmas Island | cx |
Croatia | hr |
Cape Verde | cv |
Cocos Islands | cc |
Cuba | cu |
Carribean Netherlands | bq |
Colombia | co |
Curaçao | cw |
Cayman Islands | ky |
Comoros | km |
Cyprus | cy |
Central African Republic | cf |
Congo | cg |
Czech Republic | cz |
Chad | td |
Cook Islands | ck |
D | |||||
Denmark | dk |
Dominica | dm |
Dominican Republic | do |
Djibouti | dj |
E | |||||
Ecuador | ec |
Equatorial Guinea | gq |
Eswatini | sz |
Egypt | eg |
Eritrea | er |
Ethiopia | et |
El Salvador | sv |
Estonia | ee |
F | |||||
Falkland Islands | fk |
Fiji | fj |
France | fr |
Faroe Islands | fo |
Finland | fi |
G | |||||
Gabon | ga |
Gibraltar | gi |
Guatemala | gt |
Gambia | gm |
Greece | gr |
Guernsey | gg |
Georgia | ge |
Greenland | gl |
Guinea | gn |
Germany | de |
Grenada | gd |
Guinea Bissau | gw |
Ghana | gh |
Guam | gu |
Guyana | gy |
H | |||||
Haiti | ht |
Honduras | hn |
Hungary | hu |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | hm |
Hong Kong | hk |
I | |||||
Iceland | is |
Iran | ir |
Isle of Man | im |
India | in |
Iraq | iq |
Israel | il |
Indonesia | id |
Ireland | ie |
Italy | it |
J | |||||
Jamaica | jm |
Japan | jp |
Jersey | je |
Jordan | jo |
K | |||||
Kazakhstan | kz |
Kiribati | ki |
Kyrgyzstan | kg |
Kenya | ke |
Kuwait | kw |
L | |||||
Laos | la |
Lesotho | ls |
Liechtenstein | li |
Latvia | lv |
Liberia | lr |
Lithuania | lt |
Lebanon | lb |
Libya | ly |
Luxembourg | lu |
M | |||||
Macao | mo |
Marshall Islands | mh |
Mongolia | mn |
Madagascar | mg |
Mauritania | mr |
Montenegro | me |
Malawi | mw |
Mauritius | mu |
Montserrat | ms |
Malaysia | my |
Mexico | mx |
Morocco | ma |
Maldives | mv |
Micronesia | fm |
Mozambique | mz |
Mali | ml |
Moldova | md |
Myanmar | mm |
Malta | mt |
Monaco | mc |
N | |||||
Namibia | na |
New Zealand | nz |
Norfolk Island | nf |
Nauru | nr |
Nicaragua | ni |
Northern Mariana Islands | mp |
Nepal | np |
Niger | ne |
North Korea | kp |
Netherlands | nl |
Nigeria | ng |
North Macedonia | mk |
Netherlands Antilles | an |
Niue | nu |
Norway | no |
O | |||||
Oman | om |
P | |||||
Pakistan | pk |
Papua New Guinea | pg |
Pitcairn | pn |
Palau | pw |
Paraguay | py |
Poland | pl |
Palestine | ps |
Peru | pe |
Portugual | pt |
Panama | pa |
Philippines | ph |
Puerto Rico | pr |
Q | |||||
Qatar | qa |
R | |||||
Romania | ro |
Russia | ru |
Rwanda | rw |
S | |||||
Saint Helena | sh |
Seychelles | sc |
South Korea | sk |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | kn |
Sierra Leone | sl |
South Sudan | ss |
Saint Lucia | lc |
Singapore | sg |
Spain | es |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | vc |
Sint Maarten | sx |
Sri Lanka | lk |
Samoa | ws |
Slovakia | sk |
Sudan | sd |
San Marino | sm |
Slovenia | si |
Suriname | sr |
Sao Tome and Principe | st |
Solomon Islands | sb |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | sj |
Saudi Arabia | sa |
Somalia | so |
Sweden | se |
Senegal | sn |
South Africa | za |
Switzerland | ch |
Serbia | rs |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | gs |
Syria | sy |
Serbia and Montenegro | cs |
T | |||||
Taiwan | tw |
Timor Leste | tl |
Tunisia | tn |
Tajikistan | tj |
Togo | tg |
Turkey | tr |
Tanzania | tz |
Tokelau | tk |
Turkmenistan | tm |
Thailand | th |
Tonga | to |
Turks and Caicos Islands | tc |
The Democratic Republic of Congo | cd |
Trinidad and Tobago | tt |
Tuvalu | tv |
U | |||||
Uganda | ug |
United Kingdom | uk |
Uruguay | uy |
Ukraine | ua |
United States | us |
U.S. Virgin Islands | vi |
United Arab Emirates | ae |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | um |
Uzbekistan | uz |
V | |||||
Vanuatu | vu |
Vatican | va |
Venezuela | ve |
Vietnam | vn |
W | |||||
Western Sahara | eh |
Y | |||||
Yemen | ye |
Z | |||||
Zambia | zm |
Zimbabwe | zw |
To get results for a specific demographic based on occupation, use the demographic:occupation-
operator with the relevant code, as listed in the following table.
Occupation | Code | Occupation | Code |
A | |||
Accountant | accountant |
Architect | architect |
Actor | actor |
Artist/Art | artist_art |
Ambulanceman | ambulanceman |
Author/Writer | authorwriter |
B | |||
Blogger | blogger |
C | |||
Celebrity | celebrity |
Construction worker | construction_worker |
Comedian | comedian |
Consultant | consultant |
Communication | communication |
Customer service | customer_service |
D | |||
Designer | designer |
DJ | dj |
E | |||
Engineer | engineer |
Executive manager | executive_manager |
Entrepreneur | entrepreneur |
F | |||
Financial analyst | financial_analyst |
Firefighter | firefighter |
H | |||
Health worker | health_worker |
HR professional | human_resources-professional |
Hospitality | hospitality |
I | |||
Investor | investor |
IT professional | it-professional |
J | |||
Journalist | journalist |
K | |||
Kitchen staff | kitchen_staff |
L | |||
Lawyer | lawyer |
M | |||
Manufacturing | manufacturing |
Model | model |
Marketing | marketing |
Musician | musician |
Military | military |
P | |||
Photographer | photographer |
Promoter | promoter |
Police officer | policeman |
Public servant | public_service_worker |
Politician | politician |
Publisher | publisher |
R | |||
Realtor | realtor |
S | |||
Sales | sales |
Social services | social_services-worker |
Scientist | scientist |
Sports | sportsperson |
Security officer | security_officer |
Student | student |
Social media | social_media |
Stylist | stylist |
T | |||
Teacher | teacher |
Transportation | transportation |
Trainer/Coach | trainer_coach |
TV/Radio host | tvradio_host |
To get results for a specific demographic based on interest, use the demographic:interest-
operator with the relevant code, as listed in the following table.
Interest | Code | Interest | Code |
A | |||
Advertising & marketing | advertising_marketing |
Art | art |
Animals | animals |
Automotives | automotives_general |
Apparel | apparel |
B | |||
Boats & watercraft | boats_watercraft |
Business services | business_services |
Business news | business_news |
C | |||
Celebrities & entertainment news | celebrities_entertainment_news |
Computer hardware | computer_hardware |
Classic cars | classic_vehicles |
Consumer electronics | consumer_electronics |
Colleges & universities | colleges_universities |
Crafts | crafts |
Comics & animation | comics_animation |
D | |||
Discount & outlet stores | discount_outlet_stores |
E | |||
Employment | employment |
F | |||
Face & body care | face_body_care |
Finance | finance |
Family & parenting | family_and_parenting |
Fitness & health | fitness_health |
Fantasy sports | fantasy_sports |
Food & drinks | food_drinks |
Fashion | fashion_world |
Fun | fun |
G | |||
Games & puzzles | games_puzzles |
General education | general_education |
Gardening & landscaping | gardening_landscaping |
Global news | global_news |
General beauty | general_beauty |
Government | government |
H | |||
Home furnishings & improvement | home_furnishings_and_improvement |
Humor | humor |
L | |||
Legal | legal |
Literature/Books | literature_books |
M | |||
Motorcycles | motorcycles |
Music & audio | music_audio |
Movies | movies |
O | |||
Online/video games | online_video_games |
Outdoors | outdoors |
P | |||
Primary & Secondary Schooling (K 12) | primary_secondary_schooling_k12 |
Programming | programming |
R | |||
Real estate | real_estate |
S | |||
Science | science |
Sports | sports_general |
Social media | social_media |
T | |||
Toys | toys |
TV | tv |
Travel | travel |
V | |||
Vehicles | vehicles_general |
W | |||
Weather | weather |
To get results for a specific media type, use the sourcetype:
operator with the relevant code, as listed in the following table.
Type | Source | Code |
News media | All news sites | ONLINENEWS |
Printed magazines - online sites | ONLINENEWS_MAGAZINE |
Newspapers - online sites | ONLINENEWS_NEWSPAPER |
News sites that publish press releases | ONLINENEWS_PRESSRELEASES |
TV and radio stations - online sites | ONLINENEWS_TVRADIO |
News agency sites | ONLINENEWS_AGENCY |
Any other uncategorized news sites | ONLINENEWS_OTHER |
Mixed media | Substack newsletters | NEWSLETTER_SUBSTACK |
Other newsletters | NEWSLETTER_OTHER |
Blogs | BLOG |
All message boards and forums | MESSAGEBOARD |
Broadcast media | BROADCAST |
Podcasts | PODCAST_OTHER |
Social media | All supported social media sites | SOCIALMEDIA |
To get results for images based on a specific object, use the image:object-
operator with the relevant code, as listed in the following table.
Object | Code | Object | Code |
A | |||
Airline | airplane |
Arcade machine | arcade_machine |
Apple | apple |
B | |||
Backpack | backpack |
Boat | boat |
Barbecue | barbecue |
Book | book |
Bed | bed |
Bottle | bottle |
Bench | bench |
Bowl | bowl |
Bicycle | bicycle |
Bus | bus |
Bird | bird |
C | |||
Cake | cake |
Cigarette | cigarette |
Can | can |
Clock | clock |
Car | car |
Couch | couch |
Cat | cat |
Cow | cow |
Cell phone | cell_phone |
Cup | cup |
Chair | chair |
D | |||
Dining table | dining_table |
Donut | donut |
Dog | dog |
E | |||
Elephant | elephpant |
F | |||
Fire hydrant | fire_hydrant |
Foreo issa | foreo_issa |
Foreo espada | foreo_espada |
Foreo luna | foreo_luna |
Foreo iris | foreo_iris |
Fork | fork |
G | |||
Glasses | glasses |
H | |||
Hair dryer | hair_drier |
Hololenses | hololenses |
Handbag | handbag |
Horse | horse |
Helmet | helmet |
Hospital bed | hospital_bed |
Hkia robot | hkia_robot |
K | |||
Keyboard | keyboard |
Knife | knife |
Kite | kite |
L | |||
Laptop | laptop |
Lipstick | lipstick |
M | |||
Microwave | microwave |
Mouse | mouse |
Motorcycle | motorcycle |
N | |||
Nintendo switch | nintendo_switch |
O | |||
Oven | oven |
P | |||
Pachinko machine | pachinko_machine |
Pipe bridge | pipe_bridge |
Parking meter | parking_meter |
Pinball | pinball |
Payment terminal | payment_terminal |
Pizza | pizza |
Person | person |
Potted plant | potted_plant |
R | |||
Red Bull can | redbull_can |
Refrigerator | refrigerator |
S | |||
Sandwich | sandwich |
Sports ball | sports_ball |
Scissors | scissors |
Stadium scoreboard | stadium_scoreboard |
Sink | sink |
Stop sign | stop_sign |
Skateboard | skateboard |
Suitcase | suitcase |
Skis | skis |
Sunglassese | sunglasses |
Snowboard | snowboard |
Surfboard | surfboard |
Spoon | spoon |
T | |||
Teeth | teeth |
Toothbrush | toothbrush |
Tennis racket | tennis_racket |
Traffic light | traffic_light |
Tie | tie |
Train | train |
Toaster | toaster |
Truck | truck |
Toilet | toilet |
TV | tv |
U | |||
Umbrella | umbrella |
V | |||
Vase | vase |
W | |||
Wine glass | wine_glass |
To get results for images based on a specific scene, use the image:scene-
operator with the relevant code, as listed in the following table.
Scene | Code | Scene | Code |
A | |||
Airport terminal | airport_terminal |
Athletic field | athletic_field |
Amusement park | amusement_park |
Atrium | atrium |
Anechoic chamber | anechoic_chamber |
Auditorium | auditorium |
B | |||
Badminton court | badminton_court |
Bedroom | bedroom |
Balcony veranda | balcony_veranda |
Booardwalk | boardwalk |
Ballroom | ballroom |
Boat deck | boat_deck |
Bar | bar |
Booth | booth |
Baseball field | baseball_field |
Bowling alley | bowling_alley |
Basketball court | basketball_court |
Boxing ring | boxing_ring |
Bathroom | bathroom |
Bridge | bridge |
Batter's box | batters_box |
Building | building |
Bazaar (indoor) | bazaar_indoor |
Bust interior | bus_interior |
Beach | beach |
C | |||
Cafeteria | cafeteria |
Closet | closet |
Campsite | campsite |
Coast | coast |
Campus | campus |
Cockpit | cockpit |
Canal | canal |
Conference center | conference_center |
Car interior | car_interior |
Conference room | conference_room |
Casino (indoor) | casino_indoor |
Construction site | construction_site |
Castle | castle |
Corral | corral |
Cavern (indoor) | cavern_indoor |
Courthouse | courthouse |
Cemetery | cemetery |
Courtroom | courtroom |
Chalet | chalet |
Courtyard | courtyard |
Church | church |
Covered bridge | covered_bridge |
Church (indoor) | church_indoor |
Creek | creek |
D | |||
Desert | desert |
Door | door |
Desert sand | desert_sand |
Doorway | doorway |
Diner | diner |
Driveway | driveway |
Discotheque | discotheque |
E | |||
Engine room | engine_room |
Exhibition | exhibition |
Escalator | escalator |
F | |||
Field | field |
Forest | forest |
Fire station | fire_station |
Forest road | forest_road |
Fish pond | fire_pond |
Fountain | fountain |
Football field | football_field |
G | |||
Garage | garage |
General store (indoor) | general_store_indoor |
Garage dump | garage_dump |
Golf course | golf_course |
Gas station | gas_station |
Gym | gym |
H | |||
Harbor | harbor |
Hospital | hospital |
Highway | highway |
House | house |
Home office | home_office |
I | |||
Ice skating rink | ice_skating_rink |
Industrial area | industrial_area |
Igloo | igloo |
Islet | islet |
Indoor | indoor |
J | |||
Jacuzzi | jacuzzi |
K | |||
Kitchen | kitchen |
L | |||
Lake | lake |
Lighthouse | lighthouse |
Laundromat | laundromat |
Living room | living_room |
Library | library |
Lobby | lobby |
Lido deck | lido_deck |
Locker room | locker_room |
M | |||
Market (outdoor) | market_outdoor |
Mosque | mosque |
Marsh | marsh |
Mountain | mountain |
Martial arts gym | martial_arts_gym |
Movie theater | movie_theater |
Moat | moat |
N | |||
Nursery | nursery |
O | |||
Ocean | ocean |
Open nature | open_nature |
Office | office |
Orchard | orchard |
Oil rig | oilrig |
Outdoor | ourdoor |
P | |||
Palace | palace |
Pavillion | pavillion |
Panel table | panel_table |
Phone booth | phone_booth |
Pantry | pantry |
Plaza | plaza |
Park garden | park_garden |
Podium | podium |
Parking (indoor) | parking_indoor |
Pond | pond |
Parking (outdoor) | parking_outdoor |
Pub | pub |
R | |||
Racecourse | racecourse |
Ring | ring |
Raceway | raceway |
River | river |
Raft | raft |
Rostrum | rostrum |
Restaurant | restaurant |
Ruin | ruin |
Riding arena | riding_arena |
Runway | runway |
S | |||
Sandbox | sandbox |
Stage | stage |
Sauna | sauna |
Staircase | staircase |
School | school |
Store | store |
Server room | server_room |
Store (outdoor) | store_outdoor |
Shopping mall | shopping_mall |
Street | street |
Skate park | skatepark |
Subway | subway |
Ski | ski |
Subway (interior) | subway_interior |
Skyscraper | skyscraper |
Swamp | swamp |
Squash court | squash_court |
Swimming pool | swimming_pool |
Stable | stable |
T | |||
Tennis | tennis |
Train (interior) | train_interior |
Theater | theater |
Train station | train_station |
Tower | tower |
V | |||
Valley | valley |
Volcano | volcano |
Vegetable garden | vegetable_garden |
Volleyball court | volleyball_court |
Village | village |
Volleyball court (indoor) | volleyball_court_indoor |
Vineyard | vineyard |
W | |||
Waterfall | waterfall |
Windmill | windmill |
Wave | wave |
Wine cellar | wine_cellar_bottle_storage |
Wind farm | wind_farm |
Winter (nature) | winter_nature |
Y | |||
Yard | yard |
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