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  Article updated: October 06, 2023

Resolve conversations in bulk

Audience: Inbox 2.0 agents

In Inbox 2.0 , you can resolve multiple conversations in the New and Pending queues at once. This can be useful for clearing out a sudden influx of conversations, or when first getting started with your inbox.

You must have the custom social account permission Bulk resolve conversations to use this feature. Learn how to set custom permissions (for admins).

  1. In the New or Pending queue, you can select Filters to see specific conversations you want to resolve.
  2. Select the three dots above the queue, and then select Bulk resolve. All conversations matching the filter will be resolved, regardless of assignment.
  3. Under Resolve older than, enter a timeframe, such as older than 2 days.
  4. If resolve reasons are enabled, select an option from the list.
  5. Select Resolve.

An audit trail shows who bulk resolved a conversation, when the action was performed, and the selected resolve reason.


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