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  Article updated: January 23, 2025

Create a Facebook feed

You can create feeds to monitor specific activity on your connected Facebook Pages or accounts. These are referred to as streams in Hootsuite. Streams help you keep track of engagement with your posts. Learn more about stream feeds.

Some of these tasks can be completed in both the web version of Hootsuite and the Hootsuite mobile app. These tasks are indicated by Web and Mobile tabs.

Create a new Facebook stream board

In Hootsuite, you organize your social media feeds into boards and streams. Boards are categories, and streams are social feeds within those categories. Boards act as containers that you use to organize streams by topic or keyword, or to keep track of competitors. You can add up to 20 boards, and each board can hold up to 10 streams.

When you select New board for a Facebook stream, you have the following options:

  • Monitor my own content - Create streams specific to your own social accounts.
  • Follow personalized feeds - Get straight into building custom streams based on any theme or activity.

The options for adding new a new board for Facebook.

To browse all available streams, select Follow personalized feeds, select a Facebook account, and then select one of the available streams for that account.

The stream options available for Facebook.

Add a stream

Add a stream to a new or existing board (boards have a limit of 10 streams).

Web Mobile
  1. Go to More, and then select Streams.
  2. Create or select the board that will host the stream.
  3. Select Add stream.
  4. Select a Facebook account.
  5. Select the streams to add.

Create a comment stream

If a particular Facebook Page post is getting a lot of comments, you can create a separate comment stream for that post. This lets you manage the comments without disrupting your monitoring of the Page stream. You can create comment streams from the Timeline, Unpublished, Mentions, My Posts, Activity, and Search streams.

To create a comment stream, select More options below the post, and then select Create comment stream.

Available stream types and stream content

The types of streams available for Facebook, and what you can do with them, depend on the functionality made available by Facebook to third parties like Hootsuite.


  • All posts in streams display likes only. Other reaction types are not included in like counts.
  • Events are not supported, so shared event posts do not appear in streams.
  • Due to Facebook's data policies, Facebook streams do not display the username and profile picture for users who post or comment to a profile. Information for users that post or comment on a Page appears in streams because it is deemed public.
  • Comments display up to 10 replies in streams.
  • There is no limit to the number of comments displayed on posts in streams.

Tip: Select the timestamp on any post in a stream to open it in Facebook and view it there.

Facebook stream types and what you can do with each
Stream type Stream content Engagement options Available in mobile app?
Facebook Page  
Timeline The Page’s own posts to the Page and visitor posts to the Page. Like posts and comments. View comments. Comment and reply to comments as the Page. View like and comment counts. Hide comments (with exceptions; see Facebook's Comments article). Share to another connected Page. Assign posts and comments. Edit and delete own posts and comments. Delete visitor comments. Boost posts. Yes
Scheduled Your scheduled posts to the Page, listed chronologically, with the next post to publish at the top. Limit 100 posts. Edit scheduled posts. Delete scheduled posts. No
Unpublished Dark posts/ads for the Page, and comments and replies on the Page’s dark posts. Does not include boosted posts. Carousel ads will appear as single-image ads. Like posts and comments. View comments. Comment and reply to comments as the Page. View like and comment counts. Share to another connected Page. Assign posts and comments. Edit and delete own posts and comments. Delete visitor comments. Yes (Android only)
Mentions Mentions of the Page in others’ public posts. Does not include mentions from comments or replies, unverified Pages, or private profile posts. Like and comment on posts, but these will not be visible in the stream upon refreshing. Share to another connected Page. Assign posts. Yes (iOS only)
My Posts The Page’s own posts, including boosted posts. Like posts and comments. View comments. Comment and reply to comments. View like and comment counts. Hide comments (with exceptions; see Facebook's Comments article). Share to another connected Page. Assign posts and comments. Edit and delete own posts and comments. Delete visitor comments. Yes
Activity Comments and replies by other profiles and Pages on the Page’s posts, ads, and photos within albums. Does not include the Page’s own posts and comments, mentions, or visitor posts. View and like comments. View like and comment counts. Comment and reply to comments. Hide comments (with exceptions; see Facebook's Comments article). Assign comments. Edit or delete own comments. Delete visitor comments. No



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