Article updated: January 14, 2025
Manage email notifications
Choose which actions you want to get an email for and which ones you don't. Choose to be notified by email for any of the following activities:
- A scheduled post failed to send.
- There's activity you want to know about in Inbox 2.0.
- A post requires your approval.
- A post has been rejected in pre-review.Access to approval features is based on your plan type. You can check your plan's features and upgrade your plan here.
Enable or disable notifications
- Go to Account
, and then select Profile.
- Select Notifications, make your changes, and then close Account & settings.
About email alerts for account disconnections
When a social account disconnects from Hootsuite (see Why social accounts disconnect), we send an email notifying the last member who connected that account to Hootsuite. That member must have permissions to manage that social account in the organization. If that member's permissions have changed, or they are no longer a member of the Hootsuite organization, we send the email to the paying Super Admin of the organization.
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