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  Article updated: January 08, 2025

View social profiles in stream feeds

To learn more about someone, you can select their profile picture or username in a stream feed to see their social network profile information. Depending on the social network, a profile may include information like bio, location, description, website, and post history.

Note: Depending on an X user’s settings, you may have to follow them to view their profile.

Some of these tasks can be completed in both the web version of Hootsuite and the Hootsuite mobile app. These tasks are indicated by Web and Mobile tabs.

View a user profile

Web Mobile
  1. Go to More, select Streams, and then select the board hosting the stream.
  2. Select the user's avatar or username.
  3. If available: Select an available tab to view additional profile information.

Add and view notes in X profiles (Advanced and Enterprise users)

Advanced and Enterprise plan members can also view their interaction history with other users (see View your X interaction history), and leave internal notes on X profiles. Team members in the same organization can view notes that other team members add to someone's profile.

  1. Go to More, select Streams, and then select the board hosting the X stream.
  2. Select an X username.
  3. On the Notes tab, select an organization. Any notes left about this user appear.
  4. Add your own note, and then select Save Note.

To delete a note, point to it and then select X.


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