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  Article updated: June 20, 2024

Add or remove a video from a YouTube playlist

You can add a video to a new or existing YouTube playlist right from a YouTube stream feed. You can also remove a video from a playlist from within a stream.

Note: To delete an entire YouTube playlist or change a playlist’s settings, you’ll need to go to your account on

Add a video to an existing or new playlist

  1. Go to More, select Streams, and then go to your YouTube stream.
  2. Go to the video you want to add to a playlist and select Add to Playlist below the video.
  3. Select an existing playlist. Or, select Create new playlist, enter a title, select privacy settings, and then select Create Playlist.

To view the new playlist, add it as a stream. For more information, see Create a YouTube feed.

Remove a video from a playlist

You can only remove videos from playlists in Hootsuite from within a YouTube Playlist stream.

  1. Go to More, select Streams, and then go to a YouTube Playlist stream that includes the video you want to remove.
  2. Go to the video you want to remove from your playlist, select More options below the video, and then select Remove from playlist.


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