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  Article updated: January 08, 2025

Troubleshoot sign-in issues

Find solutions to common sign-in issues.

If you are trying to log in to Hootsuite using a connected social account, see Sign in or out of Hootsuite. If your account is suspended, see Manage an overdue or suspended account.

I'm experiencing issues with my login or password

  • Make sure you are using the email address associated with your Hootsuite account.
  • Pay attention to capitalization when entering your password.
  • Request a password reset to be delivered to the email address associated with your Hootsuite account here Check your spam and junk mail folders if you can't find the reset password email.
  • If you still aren't receiving emails from Hootsuite, you or your IT team may need to add Hootsuite email addresses to your safe senders list. For more information, see Troubleshoot Hootsuite email issues.
  • If you are being asked to verify your account or enter a Google Authenticator code, see About login verification and Set up multi-factor authentication for more details.

I'm experiencing issues with an email address

If you cannot remember your Hootsuite account email address, or Hootsuite doesn't recognize the email address you are using, contact our Support team.

Tip: Make sure that your email address is spelled correctly. If you have ever received an email (or invoice) from Hootsuite, that email address is associated with a Hootsuite account.

I want to use Single Sign-On

Enterprise plan account owners have the option of enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) so that team members can login to Hootsuite with their corporate credentials (for more information, see the Single sign-on set up guide). If this feature is enabled for your organization, you can log in using SSO.

Hootsuite sign-in screen.
(Select image to expand/collapse display)

Other troubleshooting steps

  • Refresh your browser and try to sign in again. For more information, see Troubleshoot display issues.
  • Clear your browser data and try to sign in again. For more information, see Troubleshoot display issues.
  • Sign in from a different web browser. This can help you troubleshoot whether you are experiencing a browser-specific issue.
  • Sign in from a different computer. This can help you troubleshoot whether you are experiencing a computer-specific issue.
  • If you are using a router, connect your computer directly to your modem and try to sign in again.
    • If you can access Hootsuite, this could be an issue with your router’s firewall. Adjust your firewall to allow logins for secure sockets layer (SSL) and HTTPS protocol. Consult your router's help manual for instruction.
  • Sign in on a different computer from a different Internet Protocol (IP) address. If multiple computers cannot sign in from the same direct connection to a modem, there may be an issue with your Internet Service Provider (ISP).


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