Article updated: December 27, 2024
Monitor your ad campaigns with the Legacy Hootsuite Ads app
Hootsuite Apps contains a free Legacy Hootsuite Ads app integration for the Hootsuite dashboard. The app plugin lets you promote posts right from your Facebook Page streams. The app stream also lets you monitor your ad campaigns and their stats right from Hootsuite, and create auto-promotion campaigns that boost your Page posts for you.
Install the Legacy Hootsuite Ads app
- In Hootsuite, go to More
, and then select
App directory.
- Search for Hootsuite Ads.
- Select Install.
- Select Add streams to a new tab, or select Add streams to an existing tab and then select the tab from the list.
- Select the App Plugins tab, select Add, and then select Finish. Hootsuite redirects you to the app stream.
- Select Connect to Hootsuite Ads.
- Enter your Ads account credentials, and then select Login.
- Select Accept.
Promote a post from a Facebook Page stream
- Select more
, and then select Send to Hootsuite Ads.
- Select Connect to Hootsuite Ads.
- Select Proceed, and then complete creation of a Facebook Page post promotion campaign.
Important: If the Legacy Hootsuite Ads plugin does not appear in your streams when you select More on your posts, go back to the Settings of the app in Hootsuite Apps and make sure the app plugin is added to your dashboard.
Create an automatic post promotion campaign
Create an automatic post promotion campaign right from your Ads stream. This campaign type saves you time by boosting your organic Facebook Page content for you. Set triggers to define which of your best-performing content you want to promote. You can base triggers on number of likes, comments, or shares, or the media contained in your content, such as a video or link.
- In the Legacy Hootsuite Ads app stream, select Automatic Post Promotion.
- Enter a campaign name, select an ad account, and then select Proceed.
- Select a Facebook Page, the type of post to promote, how long to promote it, and any other criteria for promoting it.
- Select the placement(s) for your ad, and then select Proceed.
- Select the demographic for your target audience, and then select Proceed.
- Enter a budget, time frame for your campaign, and spend cap, and then select Proceed.
- Review your campaign, and then select Publish on Facebook.
The campaign boosts Facebook Page posts that meet the criteria defined by your triggers. Campaigns do not retroactively promote older posts.
To edit the trigger settings of your campaign, sign in to your Legacy Hootsuite Ads from Hootsuite.
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