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  Article updated: August 15, 2022

Edit, clone, or delete an ad

You can edit the ad creative of an active campaign, delete it, or clone it.

Important: If you edit an ad creative, any social proof (likes, comments and shares) already collected on the ad is not retained.

Edit an ad

  1. On the Legacy Hootsuite Ads home page, select Your campaigns, select Select a campaign, and then select a campaign from the list.
  2. Select the All ads tab.
  3. Select Expand all to reveal all your ads.
    All ads tab with new adset and expand all options.
  4. Select Ad Actions, and then select Edit creative under the ad you wish to edit.
    Ad actions list showing edit creative, clone ad, and delete ad options.
  5. Make your changes to the ad creative, and then select Proceed.
  6. Select whether you want to update this single ad, or all the ads that have the same attributes you have changed.
    Edit ad creative step 2/2 with update only this ad or update all ads affected options.
    We recommend you select Update all Ads affected to keep testing a uniform design that allows you to see results for the new picture more quickly.

Clone an ad

  1. On the Legacy Hootsuite Ads home page, select Your campaigns, select Select a campaign, and then select a campaign from the list.
  2. Select the All ads tab.
  3. Select Expand all to display all your ads.
    All ads tab with new adset and expand all options.
  4. Select Ad Actions, and then select Clone Ad under the ad you wish to edit.
    Ad actions list showing edit creative, clone ad, and delete ad options.
  5. Give the new ad a name, select the adset to put it in, select whether it will go live or be paused when created, and then select Clone.

Delete an ad

When you delete an ad from Legacy Hootsuite Ads, the ad is also removed from Facebook.

  1. On the Legacy Hootsuite Ads home page, select Your campaigns, select Select a campaign, and then select a campaign from the list.
  2. Select the All ads tab.
  3. Select Expand all to display all your ads.
    All ads tab with new adset and expand all options.
  4. Select Ad Actions, and then select Delete Ad under the ad you wish to edit.
    Ad actions list showing edit creative, clone ad, and delete ad options.
  5. Select Yes to confirm.


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