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  Article updated: May 09, 2022

Create a Facebook Page likes campaign

You can use Facebook Page likes campaigns to increase user engagement with your brand. Page Like campaigns include simple ads that link to your Facebook Page, and include a default "Like Page" call-to-action (CTA). Use this campaign type as part of a larger comprehensive social strategy, keeping in mind that "likes" don't always translate into revenue, but can help drive brand awareness.

You can optimize for Page likes, impressions, Page engagement, or unique daily reach with a Page likes campaign.

Tip: If your Page lists a physical address, Legacy Hootsuite Ads categorizes it as a Place. If you don't see a Page tab, select the Place tab instead. They both have the same campaign options.

  1. On the Legacy Hootsuite Ads home page, select New campaign.
  2. On the Facebook tab, enter a name for your campaign and select an ad account.
  3. In the What do you want to promote? section, select the Page tab, select Page Likes, and then select Proceed.
  4. On the Ads Design page, select your Facebook Page, and then specify the elements of your ad creative (headline, ad text, and picture or video).
  5. In the Placement & Previews section, select your ad placement options, and then select Proceed.


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