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  Article updated: April 16, 2024

Twitter metrics

Twitter metrics help you figure out how you're doing on Twitter. This article goes over the Twitter metrics available in Analytics. Use CTRL+F (CMD +F on Mac) to search content in this article.

Because information is associated with the Twitter/ account used to shorten the link, you can find metrics here.

Twitter Page-level metrics

Page metrics or Page-level metrics display results that occurred during the selected date range for all posts published to a Page, regardless of when the posts were published. So, if you track any Page-level metrics in your reports, the data you see is for the entire Page. For example, a metric like Page video starts shows you the total number of times people started watching your videos during your selected date range - it doesn't matter if the videos were published during or outside of that range. Learn more about the difference between post-level and Page-level metrics

Twitter metrics
Metric Description
Followers The number of people following your Twitter accounts
Followers online The number of followers who were online during the selected date range, broken down by day of the week and time of day. Online activity is based on your followers' replies, mentions, and direct messages for your Twitter accounts. Selecting more than a week displays the average number of followers during that time. All times are in GMT
Inbound messages The number of times people mentioned and direct messaged your Twitter accounts
Inbound messages table A list of every mention and direct message received by your Twitter accounts, with sentiment, location, gender, and language data
Mentions The number of posts where your Twitter handles are specified. This includes @mentions, replies, and old-style (RT) retweets
Net new followers The increase or decrease in the number of people who are following your Twitter accounts (the difference between the last day and the first day of the time frame)
Posts ROI The total return on investment (ROI) for all posts published to the selected Advanced Analytics accounts during time frame. We calculate ROI as the sum of metric values assigned by the social network (for example, 12 likes) multiplied by metric values assigned by you (for example, 2 points)
Received DMs The number of direct messages your accounts received
Top tweets The one or three top-performing posts and replies published to your Twitter accounts
Tweets The number of posts and replies published to your Twitter accounts
Tweets table A list of posts published by your Twitter accounts, with reposts, replies, and likes

Twitter post-level metrics

Post metrics or post-level metrics only display results for pins published during the selected date range. So, if you review your post performance results or track any post-level metrics in your reports, like Post impressions, the data you see is only for the pins published during your selected date range. Learn more about the difference between post-level and Page-level metrics

Twitter metrics
Metric Description
Post app install attempts * The number of times people clicked to install an app via the post’s card
Post app opens * The number of times people clicked to open an app via the post’s card
Post detail expands * The number of times people clicked on your posts to view more details
Post engagement rate * The number of times people clicked, reposted, replied, followed, and liked your organic posts, divided by the number of times people saw them
Post engagements * The number of times people engaged with posts you published during the time frame. This includes all clicks anywhere on the post (including on hashtags, links, avatar, username, and post expansion), reposts, replies, follows, and likes. Doesn't include protected posts
Post hashtag clicks * The number of times people clicked on the hashtags in posts you published during the time frame
Post impressions * The number of times posts you published during the time frame were displayed on a person's screen
Post key interactions The number of times people reposted, replied, quoted, and liked posts you published during the time frame
Post likes * The number of times someone liked posts you published during the time frame
Post link clicks * The number of times people clicked on the links in posts you published during the time frame
Post media engagements * The number of times people clicked on the images, GIFs, and videos in posts you published during the time frame
Post media views * The number of times people auto-played and clicked on the images, GIFs, and videos in posts you published during the time frame
Post permalink clicks * The number of times people clicked on a posts’ permalink, which is the link to another post
Post quote tweets * The number of times posts you published during the time frame have been reposted with a comment (also known as a quote)
Post replies ** The number of times people replied to posts you published during the time frame. Reposts and mentions are not part of this number
Post retweets * The number of times people reposted posts you published during the time frame
Post shared via email * The number of times people shared posts you published during the time frame via email
Post user follows * The number of times a person has followed you directly from posts you published during the time frame
Post user profile clicks * The number of times people clicked your name, @username, or profile photo on posts you published during the time frame
Post video views *

The number of times people watched at least 2 seconds of videos you published during the time frame with 50% of the video in view

* This metric does not include data for protected/private Twitter accounts. Data for this metric goes back to September 1, 2021.

** This metric does not include data for protected/private Twitter accounts. Data for this metric goes back to September 26, 2017. metrics

Set the Twitter/ account that was used to shorten the link as the data source. Then, you can view all link information for that Twitter account. metrics
Metric Description
Post traffic The number of clicks on the shortened links and vanity URLs in posts you published during the time frame
Tweets with clicks table A list of posts published by your Twitter accounts, with their link click metrics

  Return to the full list of metrics available in Analytics


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