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  Article updated: June 20, 2024

Monitor your performance in Inbox 2.0

You can use the Real-time insights bar to keep track of your performance in Inbox 2.0. Select the small arrow above the conversation view to show and hide real-time insights.

Audience: Enterprise Inbox 2.0 agents with Advanced Inbox. Want more Hootsuite features? Upgrade your plan.

The Real-time insights bar refreshes every 5 minutes and shows your data from the past 12 hours. It includes the following metrics for the past 12 hours:

The Real-Time Insights bar, with sample agent data.

  • With reply - The number of conversations you resolved with at least one outbound message.
  • Without reply - The number of conversations you resolved with no outbound messages.
  • Replies sent - The total number of replies you sent.
  • Available time - The total time you were available.
  • Away time - The total time you were away.
  • Conversations/hour - The number of conversations you resolved with at least one outbound message, divided by your total available time.
  • Average handle time - The average time you spent working on a conversation.
  • Average CSAT score - Your average customer satisfaction score.


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