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  Article updated: July 25, 2022

Twitter settings in Sparkcentral

Admins can specify which types of Twitter messages are brought into Sparkcentral by default, whether to automatically split long tweets, and whether to include additional agents when replying. To adjust these settings, go to Admin settings, expand Social media, and then select Twitter.

Automatically split tweets longer than 280 characters

When this option is selected:

  • Number indicators appear at the end of each part of a divided incoming tweet. For example, a tweet broken into three messages will have its messages appended with 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3.
  • Agents see a message length indicator wheel when composing public Twitter responses. A character countdown Icon showing the number 20 next to a filled status circle. appears when a tweet has 20 characters left.
  • When the response exceeds 280 characters, an infinity symbol appears to indicate that the response will be broken into multiple tweets.

When this option is cleared:

  • Agents see a message length indicator wheel when composing public Twitter responses. A character countdown Icon showing the number 20 next to a filled status circle. appears when a tweet has 20 characters left.
  • When the response exceeds 280 characters, a negative sign countdown appears, and the message cannot be sent until it is reduced to fit within the 280-character limit.
  • Automatic splitting of tweets is a global setting, so it applies to all Twitter accounts in a Sparkcentral account.
  • Automatic splitting applies only to public tweets, not direct messages.
  • In split tweets, the agent’s shortcode appears after the last message.

When replying, include all mentioned Twitter users

Admins can set the default behavior for whether additional users are included with customer responses.

  • When this option is selected, replies to messages that have involved multiple Twitter handles will be sent to all involved users, in addition to the original customer.
  • When this option is cleared, replies to messages will be sent only to the original customer.

Agents can override these settings when replying by selecting or clearing the profiles of individual Twitter users in the Replying to section of the reply box.

Deliver to the queue

Admins can exclude retweets and retweets with comments from being brought into Sparkcentral. These options are selected by default when Twitter is added as a social network.

  • When an option is cleared, any retweets that are already in the New, Pending, or Resolved queues remain there. All retweets thereafter are no longer brought into Sparkcentral.
  • If an option is cleared and then later selected, Sparkcentral resumes including retweets, but any retweets that happened while the option was cleared are not included retroactively.


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