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  Article updated: December 17, 2024

Changes to Instagram metrics - December 18, 2024

Meta is deprecating some of their Instagram metrics on January 8, 2025. These changes will affect some Hootsuite metrics. Read Meta's announcement.

Tip: This article serves as a point-in-time notification. As new metrics are added, you'll find them in our metrics library (see Metrics in Analytics).

How will the deprecation affect metrics in Hootsuite Analytics?

Deprecated metrics will no longer be available in the Hootsuite metrics library. This means they cannot be added to Analytics reports. If you previously added a metric to a report and that metric was deprecated, it will still be available in your report. However, the metric won't update with new data and will display with a yellow icon to indicate its status.

Advanced Analytics

Deprecated metrics will still be available when you export your data. However, the metrics won't update with new data. They can be used for historical purposes.

Metrics that are changing

Instagram metric deprecations will affect the following metrics. The following deprecated metrics will be removed from Hootsuite Analytics on December 18, 2024:

  • Emails
  • Get directions
  • Texts
  • Website clicks
  • Calls
  • Post video views

Introduction of Views

According to Meta (see announcement Introducing Views to simplify content distribution metrics), they will be changing the following:

  • Reel and video Plays will now be referred to as Views. The calculation method will not change.
  • Replays will be removed.
  • Stories, photos, and text posts Impressions will now be referred to as Views. Repeat views from the same user will now be counted individually.
  • Watch Time and Average Watch Time will now be referred to as Minutes Viewed and Average Minutes Viewed.
  • Standard engagement metrics such as Reach, 3-second views, 1-minute views, Reactions, Comments, and Shares will not change.

We are working with Meta to ensure we can incorporate these changes into Hootsuite Analytics.


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