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  Article updated: June 20, 2024

Work with Amplify draft and scheduled content

Find your drafts and scheduled content above your subscribed topics in the Amplify navigation. From here, you can edit, publish, schedule, or delete them. If you need to save a draft or create content that you want to be available for advocates to share at a later time, see Create Amplify content.

Audience: Amplify admins

  1. Go to Amplify and select Drafts or Scheduled.
  2. Select a post, select more options , and then select from the following options:
    • Edit original post - Open the post and edit it, schedule it for later, or publish it right away. When you publish a draft, it moves to the topic you subscribed it to and is available in Amplify for your advocates to read and share.
    • Delete post - Delete your post.

To move published content back to drafts, go to the post, select more options , and then select Send back to drafts to return it to Drafts and remove it from your advocates' Amplify view. You can also find drafts in your content calendar. For more information, see Save and edit drafts.


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