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  Article updated: June 20, 2024

Create your Hootsuite Academy account

Visit Hootsuite Academy for world-class social media training! You can sign in with the same email and password you use for Hootsuite.

If you don't have a Hootsuite account, you'll be asked to create one when you sign in to Hootsuite Academy for the first time. Once you've established your Hootsuite account, you'll have access to Academy courses and certifications.

Visit, and then select one of the following:

  • If you have an existing Hootsuite account, select Login, enter the email and password for your Hootsuite account, and then select Sign in.
  • If you do not have an existing account, select Create my free account - enter your name, a valid email address, and a password; and then select Create my free account.
  • If you have an account created prior to October 5, 2016, select the Alternative log in for accounts created before October 5, 2016 link.
    Academy log in page with alternative log in link highlighted.

Troubleshoot sign in

I tried to create a new Hootsuite Academy account, but received a message stating “there is an issue with the information provided" or that an account already exists.

  • You may have created an account in the past, but forgot your password. Try using the Sign-in option, and reset the account password.
  • If you are using a generic account for your organization (e.g.,, it may have already been set up by someone else in your organization. Connect with your colleagues to determine the account password being used or reset the account password.
  • You may be using an email address for an account that has been reactivated (for example, if you or your organization are returning to Hootsuite after previously closing your account). In this case, please contact the Academy team at

Note: Reactivating old accounts may take a while. In the meantime, feel free to open another account with a different email address to enjoy the courseware.

I tried to sign in to my Academy account and received a message saying my email address isn't recognized.

  • You likely don’t have an Academy account. Try creating a new account with your email address.
  • If your account hasn’t been active for a very long time, it may have been therefore deactivated by the system. If this is the case, try resetting your password.

When I log in to Academy, I'm directed to Hootsuite instead.

Due to single sign-on (SSO) being enabled, you may initially be redirected to Hootsuite. See the following instructions in the Visit Academy from Hootsuite section.

I log in to Academy as myself, but Academy logs me in as someone else.

This may happen if someone else has been logged in using the SSO login on your workstation. In this case, log out, follow the instructions in Troubleshoot display issues to clear your browser cache, and then log back in.

Visit Academy from Hootsuite

You can access Hootsuite Academy right from Hootsuite.

Go to Help (you may have to expand the options on the left to find it), and then select Hootsuite Academy.

View your course content

Once you've signed in to your account, select the arrow next to your name at the top of the page, and then select My Enrollments to view the courses you've purchased or those that have been assigned to you (based on your plan type).

Academy home page showing profile list with My Enrollments highlighted.


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